[GRASS-user] v.report produces corrupt table of attributes

Stuart Edwards sedwards2 at cinci.rr.com
Thu Jun 13 17:23:39 PDT 2013

Hi --

This simple project involves digitizing and displaying the location of about 200 borings. There is a pair of state plane co-ordinates and an alpha-numeric boring designator - and of course a cat - for each of them. The borings were duly digitized using v.digit in GRASS 7 (OS X) and after a number of edits (relocations, modification of some attributes, and some deletions) the file displays correctly using d.vect. It has also been satisfactorily exported as a shapefile as part of an effort to create a labeled dxf CAD layer.
However, v.report creates a table that appears to randomly (unlikely, I know, but that's how it appears) redistribute the pairs of co-ordinates among the points.
For example, at one boring location v.what generates:
v.what -a map=Borings at PERMANENT layer=-1 coordinates=1791366.79821,765499.232745 distance=2
East: 1791366.79821
North: 765499.232745
Map: Borings
Type: Point
Id: 117
Layer: 1
Category: 142
Driver: sqlite
Database: /Users/stu/grassdata/270test/PERMANENT/sqlite/sqlite.db
Table: Borings
Key column: cat
cat : 142
boringnumber : B-9-004-13
However, v.report gives:
for cat 142 which is the location of one of the other borings. Almost all of the borings are incorrectly identified in the v.report table. I tried v.build before running v.report but the results were the same.
Any assistance would be much appreciated as I would like to have an accurate table of these locations.


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