[GRASS-user] OT: Tips for installing grass in archlinux

Pietro peter.zamb at gmail.com
Thu May 9 00:47:11 PDT 2013

Hi Ahmadou,

On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 8:19 AM, Ahmadou Dicko <dicko.ahmadou at gmail.com> wrote:
> I moved from Debian to ArchLinux and used to use GRASS 7 in Debian.
> The main difference / problem when you want to install from source is
> Python.
> In ArchLinux the default is Python  is Python 3, so if you want to build
> your own GRASS from scratch you have to use some tricks and tell GRASS to
> use Python 2.

I'm using virtualenv to isolate python2:

$  virtualenv --system-site-packages -p python2.7 env-python2

then I have to activate the virtualenv with:

$ source ~/envs/env-python2/bin/activate

I just put an alias on .bashrc:

alias activate_python2='source ~/envs/env-python2/bin/activate'
alias grass70='activate_python2 && python2

therefore before compile grass I have to:

$ activate_python2
$ make

> If someone is interested I can post how I succeed to build GRASS 7 in Arch

I'm curious how do you solve it? may be there is a best way... :-)

Best regards


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