[GRASS-user] v.in.gshhs

Nicolas Pérenne nicolas.perenne at free.fr
Tue May 21 03:51:52 PDT 2013

Le 20/05/2013 21:18, Nicolas Pérenne a écrit :
> Hi,
> Trying to import GSHHG V2.2.2 ( see 
> http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/pwessel/gshhg/ ) through 'v.in.gshhs', I 
> ran into this:
> GRASS 6.4.2 (wgs84):~/tmp/gshhs_bin > v.in.gshhs gshhs_c.b out=gshhs_c
> Using lat/lon bounds N=90.000000 S=-90.000000 E=180.000000 W=-180.000000
> ERREUR :Trying to import version 3, only GSHHS versions 4 to 8 (2.0) 
> are supported.
> which looks strange to me. I am currently doing some 'v.in.ogr' on the 
> Shapefile version of GSHHS, but the process appears to be quite long 
> for the "high" and "full" resolution (assuming one wants to import the 
> whole dataset without using '-c'), so I was hoping 'v.in.gshhs' would 
> be quicker... please let me know if this is a known issue, or 
> something I did wrong, etc.
> Nicolas
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I assume GSHHG internal version numbers are just not ordered by 
increasing value... anyway using '-r' to restrict the import of a GSHHG 
__shapefile__ to the current Grass region works just fine (including the 
highest GSHHS resolution): sorry for the inconvenience!

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