[GRASS-user] align large number of images in a automated way

Blumentrath, Stefan Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no
Wed Jul 30 00:47:56 PDT 2014

Hi Miltinho,

If I understood you correctly, I think we are facing similar challenges, because we are planning to test our wildlife foto traps in a remote sensing context where we need to have a proper georeference for each image.

I assume all your images are equal, means they cover the same surface on the ground and are taken from the same angle and with the same camera?

Because of other obligations we have not really started the work yet, but we consider two alternative solutions:
A full GRASS based ortorectification: http://gis.cri.fmach.it/uploads/CAGEO_2011.pdf (for this one I have to talk to our camera operator that he provides the necessary information on fiducial marks, and necessary camera parameters, not sure if we can make it work)
Or (more "quick and dirty") using ground control points in gdalwarp (http://www.gdal.org/gdalwarp.html). Probably, you may have to add the GCPs to the image using gdal_translate (then VRT is a recommended output format) in advance to gdalwarp.

Don`t know how far this work got: http://linfiniti.com/2010/10/automated-gcp-collection-in-quantum-gis/

In any case I would be interested in how you solved this at the end...

Cheers and good luck

From: grass-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:grass-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Milton Ribeiro
Sent: 30. juli 2014 04:41
To: grass-user grass-user
Subject: [GRASS-user] align large number of images in a automated way

Dear all,

I have a large number of images that was taken using a camera in the top of a 15 m tall tower.
Now I need to align or spatially synchronize them using same automated solution, because it is not feasible one by one (I have 18,000 photos).
Any hint are welcome.
best wishes

Miltinho - mcr at rc.unesp.br<mailto:mcr at rc.unesp.br>
Laboratório de Ecologia Espacial e Conservação - LEEC
Depto de Ecologia - UNESP - Rio Claro
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