[GRASS-user] GRASS 71 win7

Markus Neteler neteler at osgeo.org
Thu Oct 9 08:04:00 PDT 2014


On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM, José Anderson
<joseandersonbatista at gmail.com> wrote:
> Markus, Margherita,
> 2014-10-07 11:33 GMT-03:00 Markus Neteler <neteler at osgeo.org>:
>> That was an incompatibility in v.to.rast after latest improvements there.
>> Fixed in r62202.

A minute ago I backported the v.to.rast to releasebranch7.

>> Please update your r.basin installation and this error should be gone.
>> Markus
> Now I'm on GRASS71 r62210 (>62202) so v.to.rast succeeded (win7).

Good. It will now do also with GRASS70svn (after updating at your end

> For now I got this 3 errors about <rast>, <data type> and <pattern> I
> don't know where are from.

I suppose from g.[m]remove which is work in progress in trunk.

> It is clear to me that *delineation of basin* was complete. But some
> parser (I/O? SQL query?) does not work.
> --
> v.to.rast complete.
> All in RAM calculation...
> Reading raster map <bac_sb24zcpng3_drainage_e>...
> Calculating basins using vector point map...
> Writing raster map <bac_sb24zcpng3_basin>...
> Delineation of basin done
> ERROR: Sorry, <rast> is not a valid parameter
> ERROR: Required parameter <type> not set:
>         (Data type(s))
> ERROR: Required parameter <pattern> not set:
>         (Map name search pattern or map names separated by a
> comma)

Let me suggest (sorry but that's how it is) that you switch back to
release branch in using r.basin.
I shall help to get it running there if still anything is needed.

The underlying g.[m]remove refactoring is still a moving target.


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