[GRASS-user] problem addon v.in.ply with grass 7 on ubuntu 14.04

Carmine Massarelli carmine.massarelli at ba.irsa.cnr.it
Fri Jun 5 07:05:22 PDT 2015

if i use   g.extension -s extension=v.in.ply   i receive the error

g.extension -s extension=v.in.ply
D2/5: filename = /usr/lib/grass70/scripts/g.extension
D1/5: G_set_program_name(): g.extension
D2/5: G_file_name(): path =
D1/5: G_set_program_name(): g.gisenv
D2/5: G_option_to_separator(): key = separator -> sep = '
D1/5: grass.script.core.start_command(): g.version -rge
D1/5: G_set_program_name(): g.version
D2/5: G_file_name(): path =
D1/5: grass.script.core.start_command(): g.message -e
message=Unable to create '/usr/lib/grass70/docs/rest':
[Errno 13] Permission denied: '/usr/lib/grass70/docs/rest'
D1/5: G_set_program_name(): g.message
D2/5: G_file_name(): path =
ERROR: Unable to create '/usr/lib/grass70/docs/rest': [Errno 13] 
Permission denied: '/usr/lib/grass70/docs/rest'
(Fri Jun  5 16:03:55 2015) Comando terminato (0 sec)

According to you where is the permission problem (rest folder)?


Il 06/05/2015 03:55 PM, Markus Neteler ha scritto:
> Dear Carmine,
> On Fri, May 29, 2015 at 2:49 PM, Carmine Massarelli
> <carmine.massarelli a ba.irsa.cnr.it> wrote:
>> Dear Markus,
>> I left the PC working (workstation 32GB) in elaboration for all the
>> nightwithout results and without receiving any errormessages.
>> On the Windows machine (4 GB) complete processing took about 8 hours.
> I just tried with the file which I got offlist from you:
> GRASS 7.0.1svn (nc_spm_08_grass7):~ > g.extension v.in.ply
> Fetching <v.in.ply> from GRASS-Addons SVN repository (be patient)...
> Compiling...
> Installing...
> Updating addons metadata file...
> Installation of <v.in.ply> successfully finished
> GRASS 7.0.1svn (nc_spm_08_grass7):~ > time -p v.in.ply
> input=Downloads/pmvs_options.ply output=pmvs_options
> Importing 1338857 vertices ...
> Building topology for vector map <pmvs_options a neteler>...
> ...
> Number of primitives: 1338857
> Number of points: 1338857
> Number of lines: 0
> Number of boundaries: 0
> Number of centroids: 0
> Number of areas: 0
> Number of isles: 0
> v.in.ply complete.
> real 60.93
> user 47.52
> sys 19.30
> ==> something like 1 minutes on my Fedora 21 box.
> GRASS 7.0.1svn (nc_spm_08_grass7):~ > v.info -t pmvs_options
> nodes=0
> points=1338857
> lines=0
> boundaries=0
> centroids=0
> areas=0
> islands=0
> faces=0
> kernels=0
> volumes=0
> holes=0
> primitives=1338857
> map3d=1
> Lots of points... looks all good to me.
>> I just remember that I had trouble installing the addon on grass maybe due
>> topermissions, therefore i wonder if there is a special procedure for the
>> installation.
> On Ubuntu you may need to install addons with the -s flag of g.extension.
> Hope this helps,
> Markus

Dr. Nat. Carmine Massarelli, Ph.D.
National Research Council
Water Research Institute (IRSA)
Addr: De Blasio n.5 - 70132 Bari Z.I.
Skype: carmine.massarelli

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