[GRASS-user] PostgreSQL raster and vector import

Blumentrath, Stefan Stefan.Blumentrath at nina.no
Tue Feb 9 12:10:38 PST 2016

Hi Patrick,

Now I tested your approach and I can confirm your issue. It is likely a GRASS issue, I guess, as:
gdalinfo "PG:dbname=psql_local schema=myschema table=reference_map"
returns reasonable results.

You are probably hit by this: https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/798 as a PG raster consists of (many) subdatasets, which you can see in gdalinfo output... 

You could try:
gdalbuildvrt ./reference_map.vrt "PG:dbname=psql_local schema=myschema table=reference_map"
r.in.gdal input=./reference_map.vrt output=region_ref -o --o
as GDAL VRTs are only "meta"-datasets and usually produced very fast.

However, if I were you, I would really reconsider my storage / workflow approach, as having the data in PG most likely does not yield in satisfying performance. Building a VRT from a reasonable sized raster dataset in PG takes ages, while it is built within a few seconds from a GeoTIFF or GRASS dataset.
Having it the other way around, linking a GRASS raster to PG (out-db storage) might be more appropriate. That would require building GDAL with GRASS support and PG against that GDAL version, so the driver becomes available for PG...

Or if you have to make the raster available over the internet, consider WCS...

Anyway, I hope you manage to achieve what you want!


-----Original Message-----
From: grass-user [mailto:grass-user-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of patrick s.
Sent: 4. februar 2016 10:45
To: GRASS user list <grass-user at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [GRASS-user] PostgreSQL raster and vector import

Dear list

In addition to my mail yesterday (see below):

The use of PostGIS might be related to the conversation from octobre last year (http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/External-raster-from-PostGIS-td5231932.html),
but it remains unclear to me how to import raster and is not referred to in the manual.

My current state seems close to the solution:
r.in.gdal in="PG:dbname=psql_local schema=myschema table=reference_map" 
out=region_ref -o --o #load into grass
r.external source="PG:dbname=psql_local schema=myschema table=reference_map" out=region_ref --o -o  #link to grass

But both lead to "ERROR: North must be larger than South"

However, I can view the data in QGIS (loading though db-manager) and it appears to be ok.

Is Error it a problem of gdal, my data or the grass-modules? And how can I solve it?

Thanks for any help

On 03.02.2016 15:48, patrick s. wrote:
> Dear list
> I need some help on importing PostGIS raster with r.in.gdal and schema 
> support under v.in.ogr.
> "r.in.gdal -f" shows support: "PostGISRaster (rw): PostGIS Raster driver"
> But I did not find any example on how to formulate the dsn/input.
> Unfortunately there is no hint in the manual of grass70 on how to work 
> with schemas (there was one in 64).
> I had a script in grass64 of following syntax, which is still working:
> ISCHEMA=baselayer
> v.in.ogr dsn="PG:dbname=psql_local active_schema=my_dataschema" 
> layer=gws_buildings --overwrite
> However, I would like to form this more general as a variable for all 
> incoming data, which is not working:
> INPATH="PG:dbname=psql_local active_schema=my_dataschema"
> v.in.ogr in=$INPATH out=bldg_pt layer=gws_buildings --overwrite
> =>ERROR: v.in.ogr: Sorry, <active_schema> is not a valid parameter
> Also the approach described in the manual of grass64 does not work any 
> longer
> db.connect driver=pg database=psql_local schema=my_dataschema v.in.ogr 
> in=./ out=bldg_pt layer=gws_buildings --overwrite
> =>ERROR: Unable to open data source <./>
> Thanks for any help,
> Patrick

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