[GRASS-user] Fwd: v.label utf8 possible?

Robert Kuszinger kuszinger at giscom.hu
Tue Jun 28 12:16:07 PDT 2016

Dear Vaclav,

thanks I'read the whole discussion (ticket 3033). This is very similar to
my problem so I added a note.

Yes, I'll publish what I achieve once it is mature enough for public use.

QUESTION: Is Python a must or could I live on bash/grep and other *N*X
tools? Now it is in bash. I don't really know python. Well not even bash
but at least I have some practice with that. (Normally I work in Smalltalk
but that won't help here :) )


2016-06-27 18:50 GMT+02:00 Vaclav Petras <wenzeslaus at gmail.com>:

> On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 7:38 AM, Robert Kuszinger <kuszinger at giscom.hu>
> wrote:
>> As a workaround I've created a script and discovered that I could
>> simulate the work done by ps.map with some handmade calculations.
>> The result is not worse (visually in terms of generated code) than my
>> beloved ps.map definition files. I have full control on display, raster,
>> vector and other map gadgets (north, scalebar, etc). I use GRASS_RENDER_*
>> variables, and all d.* commands. Cairo driver with BMP output is very fast.
>> I put each map "layer" into a different BMP files with identicatal
>> resolutions.
> This sounds good. Perhaps you can share your work at some point. It would
> be a good contribution to the discussion about the future of ps.map and d.
> commands.
>> The resolution is currently a given dpi (300-600) bitmap but I'd like to
>> test the toolchain with svg output as well to keep vectors for best print
>> process.
> Please see:
> https://trac.osgeo.org/grass/ticket/3033
> Vaclav
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