[GRASS-user] 'Maximum vector line maps loaded'

Vaclav Petras wenzeslaus at gmail.com
Thu Sep 29 18:30:15 PDT 2016

On Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 9:08 PM, Alec Ventura <alecventura at hotmail.com>

> But the v.path layer dont support 3d.
At least in 7.2, v.patch supports merging 3D points. In some cases you may
need to provide some extra flags, but in general Z should work.


> I need some help to: or increase the MAX_VECTS variable value,
That must be done in the source code (it is not expected you add tens of
vectors to 3D view, you can open enhancement ticket). If you compile GRASS
on Linux, you could theoretically increase it.

> or some other command like v.patch to unify all my boreholes.
Well, you could always work around it by exporting points using v.out.ascii
merging the files (e.g. with cat on Linux) and then importing them back
with v.in.ascii. But that's a workaround, v.patch should work.

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