[GRASS-user] Unable to open the Corine land cover map using GrassGIS 7

Helmut Kudrnovsky hellik at web.de
Tue Oct 24 08:28:39 PDT 2017

Helmut Kudrnovsky wrote
> Veronica Andreo wrote
>> Hi,
>> I'm facing this same problem...
>> I have my EPSG:3035 location and when using r.import with -o flag to
>> override projection check and import corine land cover, I get:
>> GRASS 7.3.svn (eu_laea):~> r.import -o input=g250_clc06_V18_5.tif
>> output=clc06_V18_5_250m resample=nearest extent=region resolution=value
>> resolution_value=250  title="Corine Land Cover 2006 - 250m - V18.5"
>> ERROR: Unable to convert input map projection to GRASS format; cannot
>> create new location.
>> ERROR: Unable to read GDAL dataset 
> <g250_clc06_V18_5.tif>
>> while -o flag is supposed to override the check and import. This used to
>> work before. Am I missunderstanding something here?
> confirmed
> r.import input=D:\dl\ne\g250_clc12_V18_5a\g250_clc12_V18_5.tif
> output=g250_clc12_V18_5 -o
> ERROR: Unable to convert input map projection to GRASS format; cannot
> create
> new location.
> ERROR: Unable to read GDAL dataset
> <D:\dl\ne\g250_clc12_V18_5a\g250_clc12_V18_5.tif>
> where does 'cannot create new location' comes from?


r.import input=D:\dl\ne\g250_clc12_V18_5a\g250_clc12_V18_5.tif
output=debugimport -o
D2/3: filename =
D1/3: G_set_program_name(): r.import
D2/3: G_file_name(): path = D:\grassdata\test_loc3035\data
D2/3: G_file_name(): path =
D1/3: G_set_program_name(): g.gisenv
D3/3: G_option_to_separator(): key = separator -> sep = '
D1/3: grass.script.core.start_command(): g.gisenv -n
D1/3: G_set_program_name(): g.gisenv
D3/3: G_option_to_separator(): key = separator -> sep = '
D1/3: grass.script.core.start_command(): g.tempfile
D1/3: G_set_program_name(): g.tempfile
D2/3: G_file_name(): path = D:\grassdata\test_loc3035\data
D2/3: G_file_name(): path = D:\grassdata\test_loc3035\data
D2/3: G__temp_element(): .tmp/unknown (tmp=0)
D2/3: G_file_name(): path =
D2/3: G_tempfile_pid():
D1/3: grass.script.core.start_command(): g.proj --q -j
D1/3: G_set_program_name(): g.proj
D2/3: G_file_name(): path =
D2/3: G_file_name(): path =
D2/3:   file open: read (mode = r)
D2/3: G__read_Cell_head
D2/3: G__read_Cell_head_array
D3/3: region item: proj:       99
D3/3: region item: zone:       0
D3/3: region item: north:      1
D3/3: region item: south:      0
D3/3: region item: east:       1
D3/3: region item: west:       0
D3/3: region item: cols:       1
D3/3: region item: rows:       1
D3/3: region item: e-w resol:  1
D3/3: region item: n-s resol:  1
D3/3: region item: top:        1.000000000000000
D3/3: region item: bottom:     0.000000000000000
D3/3: region item: cols3:      1
D3/3: region item: rows3:      1
D3/3: region item: depths:     1
D3/3: region item: e-w resol3: 1
D3/3: region item: n-s resol3: 1
D3/3: region item: t-b resol:  1
D2/3: G_file_name(): path =
D2/3: G_file_name(): path =
D2/3: G_file_name(): path =
D3/3: GPJ__get_datum_params: datumname: <etrs89>
D3/3: set_datumtrans(): GPJ__get_datum_params() status=2
D3/3: set_datumtrans(): datum transform terms found with 1
D3/3: GPJ__get_datum_params: datumname: <etrs89>
D1/3: grass.script.core.start_command(): g.message -v
message=Creating temporary location for
D1/3: G_set_program_name(): g.message
D2/3: G_file_name(): path = D:\grassdata\test_loc3035\data
D1/3: grass.script.core.start_command(): r.in.gdal --q -c
input=D:\dl\ne\g250_clc12_V18_5a\g250_clc12_V18_5.tif title=
location=temp_import_location_13236 memory=300
D1/3: G_set_program_name(): r.in.gdal
D2/3: G_file_name(): path = D:\grassdata\test_loc3035\data
D3/3: GDAL Driver: GTiff
D3/3: GDAL size: row = 34360, col = 50992
ERROR: Unable to convert input map projection to GRASS format; cannot create
new location.
D1/3: grass.script.core.start_command(): g.message -e
message=Unable to read GDAL dataset
D1/3: G_set_program_name(): g.message
D2/3: G_file_name(): path = D:\grassdata\test_loc3035\data
ERROR: Unable to read GDAL dataset

best regards
Sent from: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/Grass-Users-f3884509.html

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