[winGRASS] Re: [GRASS5] Windows native Xdriver

Mike Thomas mthomas at gil.com.au
Fri May 10 22:05:45 EDT 2002

Hi Glynn.

> revision 1.5
> date: 2002/05/03 22:12:20;  author: mike;  state: Exp;  lines: +1 -1
> Reinstate old Makefiles until new Gmakefiles work.
> What problem did you have with the Gmakefiles? I can't find any
> reference to it in your emails.

I didn't mention it (as also the missing functions you later added) - I was
mostly interested in the functionality issue.

The problem:

  make -f OBJ.i586-pc-cygwin/make.rules

make[1]: Entering directory
/e/cvs/grass/bin.i586-pc-cygwin/gmake5 wrap
  SRC     = /e/cvs/grass/src
  CMD     = /e/cvs/grass/src/CMD
  UNUSED  = /e/cvs/grass/unused
  HEADER  = head.i586-pc-cygwin
  ARCH    = i586-pc-cygwin
  GISBASE = /e/cvs/grass/dist.i586-pc-cygwin
  VERSION = 5.0.0pre3 January 2002
Gmakefile line 12 - contains explicit .o action
Modify it to eliminate the action
make[1]: *** [all] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/e/cvs/grass/src/display/devices/windows/libW11'
make: *** [all] Error 2


I decided at the time that someone must have been experimenting with the
makefiles and forgotten to finish the project.

As one of Malcolm's aims is/was to fold the changes we make back into the
Cygwin libW11 I decided that it was easier to replace the original
Makefiles, leave the new GMakefiles largely intact (sole exception being the
top level windows directory Gmakefile) and to ignore the problem as it had
no impact on functionality.


Mike Thomas.

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