[winGRASS] Failure to read compressed map file

Anantha Prasad aprasad at fs.fed.us
Wed Apr 2 09:06:33 EST 2003

Hi Grassers:
I read Mike Thomas reply to an earlier query about the same problem....but
his solution of naming the DataBase as cygdrive does NOT seem to work in
this case. My DataBase directory is /usr/local/grassdb - so the problem
that Mike mentioned does not exist here.

GRASS:/c/cflux > r.out.arc in=ew20km out=- > out.grd
WARNING: Fail of initial read of compressed file [ew20km in prasad]
WARNING: unable to open raster map [ew20km in prasad]

Nothing is written to out.grd  --- the same problem exists with r.out.ascii
Any help would be appreciated. I use the latest wingrass version on Win2k.

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