[winGRASS] Failure to read compressed map file

Mike Thomas miketh at brisbane.paradigmgeo.com
Wed Apr 2 18:24:47 EST 2003

Hi Prasad.

If you can, please reduce the project to a few megabytes in an archive and
mail it to me at:

  miketh AT brisbane DOT paradigm DOT com

and I'll look into the problem for you.


Mike Thomas

| -----Original Message-----
| From: wingrass-admin at grass.itc.it [mailto:wingrass-admin at grass.itc.it]On
| Behalf Of Anantha Prasad
| Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 12:07 AM
| To: wingrass at grass.itc.it
| Subject: [winGRASS] Failure to read compressed map file
| Hi Grassers:
| I read Mike Thomas reply to an earlier query about the same problem....but
| his solution of naming the DataBase as cygdrive does NOT seem to work in
| this case. My DataBase directory is /usr/local/grassdb - so the problem
| that Mike mentioned does not exist here.
| GRASS:/c/cflux > r.out.arc in=ew20km out=- > out.grd
| WARNING: Fail of initial read of compressed file [ew20km in prasad]
| WARNING: unable to open raster map [ew20km in prasad]
| Nothing is written to out.grd  --- the same problem exists with
| r.out.ascii
| Any help would be appreciated. I use the latest wingrass version on Win2k.
| THanks.
| Prasad
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