[Gvsig_italian] "unable to access the image" and other problems

tommaso di bucchianico tommaso_db a yahoo.it
Dom 17 Feb 2008 12:29:17 PST


I have many problems using gvSIG 1.1 which apparently occur randomly:

1) often I cannot load raster files (all extentions) and receive the
message: "unable to access the image"
This is not a permission problem because the same files sometime I can load
and sometime I cannot...

2) Sometime the snap function doesn't work, particularly between different

3) Sometime I cannot see the pointer on the monitor, when the edit is active

4) (much less important) I work on Ubuntu 7.10 and when I active Compiz
(desktop effects), the windows "new layer", "load layer", "load project" and
all other windows are displayed white.

I have already unistalled and re-installed the software many times, whit the
file gvsig-1_1-linux-i586-withjre.bin. 
The installer made always too a directory named gvSIG in /root. Is it
Finally, the uninastaller doesn't work, and I had always to delete the gvSIG
files and directories per hand.
What do I wrong?? 

View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/%22unable-to-access-the-image%22-and-other-problems-tp15532709p15532709.html
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