[Gvsig_italian] 6a Conferenza di gvSIG. Presentazioni, poster e articoli
Antonio Falciano
antonio.falciano a gmail.com
Gio 16 Dic 2010 02:35:51 PST
Sono disponibili le presentazioni, i poster e gli articoli presentati
durante la 6a Conferenza di gvSIG. A breve sara' pubblicato altro
materiale, come da email allegata.
buona giornata
-------- Messaggio originale --------
Oggetto: [Gvsig_english] 6th gvSIG Conference. Reports, posters and
Data: Wed, 15 Dec 2010 18:31:17 +0100
Mittente: pressAtgvsig
Rispondi-a: Users and Developers mailing list
We would like to inform you of the availability of presentations,
posters and articles presented during the 6th gvSIG Conference [1] which
under the motto "Knowledge for change" brought about 500 attendees.
The magazine Open Planet 4, the Live-DVD given during the Conference,
and videos of presentations and workshops will be published soon.
[1] http://jornadas.gvsig.org/comunicaciones/reports
Antonio Falciano
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