[Gvsig_italian] 9th International gvSIG Conference. Registrations
gvSIG News Office
press a gvsig.com
Mar 24 Set 2013 01:04:27 PDT
We remind you that the registration period for the 9th International gvSIG Conference [1], organized by the gvSIG Association, is still open. The Conference will be held from November 27th to 29th in Valencia (Spain).
The registration form hasn't been working in the last days because of technical problems. It's working now, so if you haven't been able to register to the Conference you can do it now from [2].
In addition, we remind you that we are expecting communication proposals for the Conference. The deadline is September 27th. You just have to send an abstract, following the template provided on the Reports section of the Conference web page [3].
[1] http://jornadas.gvsig.org
[2] http://jornadas.gvsig.org/9as/Inscripcion/application-form
[3] http://jornadas.gvsig.org/9as/comunicaciones
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