[Incubator] Propose FDO for Incubation

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Jul 18 08:24:41 EDT 2006

I think this is the right decision.  FDO is really a separate library  
used by MapGuide OS in the same way that GDAL is used by MapServer.

Regarding acceptance of another project into incubation, I am not  
sure if the IncCom wants to graduate all 8 original projects first or  
if we want to accept new projects to keep the running total at about  
8 projects?

Personally, I'd like to see a couple of the projects graduate  
(MapBuilder, GDAL,...) reasonably quickly and then start looking for  
new projects.


On 17-Jul-06, at 11:21 PM, Robert Bray wrote:

> All,
> Changed the subject since we have gone down this path...
> Long term I would really like to run MapGuide and FDO as separate
> projects (and they are already separated by infrastructure). So, I  
> would
> like get FDO into the incubation process. What's the best approach for
> that, should I send a completed copy of the application form questions
> to the list and put forth a motion for vote?
> Thanks,
> Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:fwarmerdam at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Frank
> Warmerdam (External)
> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 7:46 PM
> To: incubator at incubator.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Incubator] New Mentor for MapGuide
> Mark Lucas wrote:
>> I'd agree if they are completely separate, but if they are
> collaborating
>> and use some of the same people there may be advantages to rolling it
>> under an existing project.  This is essentially what we are doing  
>> with
>> osgPlanet under OSSIM.  Probably 90% of our new development is going
>> into osgPlanet driving some enhancements to the OSSIM baseline in the
>> process.  Personally, I'd like to see more integration between  
>> various
>> activities.  It will make it less of a tower of Babel when
> users/members
>> come looking for solutions.
> Mark / Cameron / Bob,
> One distinction I think is that osgPlanet is essentially the same
> developers as OSSIM.  osgPlanet can, to some degree, be consider an
> example application on the OSSIM tool chain.
> Whereas I believe the FDO and MapGuide development teams are
> quite distinct though they obviously work reasonably closely.  For
> instance FDO and MapGuide have distinct release cycles.  They are also
> each quite substantial code bases.   A quick count shows 140KLOC
> for the FDO core along for instance (not counting any of the
> format providers).
> My general feeling is that I wouldn't mind a joint MapGuide/FDO
> PSC, but that I would see it as a transitional thing, and that
> at some point they would likely be distinct projects.  But this
> is a blurry line.
> Best regards,
>> On Jul 14, 2006, at 6:54 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>> Robert Bray wrote:
>>>> On a side topic the Feature Data Objects API is just about ready to
>>>> go fully open. Since MapGuide is FDOs only open source user at the
>>>> moment I am thinking of managing the two projects under a single
>>>> umbrella (e.g. one PSC for both). Does anyone have any issues with
>>>> that or reasons for not doing it that way?
>>> Do the 2 projects share the same Project Management Committee?  The
>>> same developers?  The same goals?
>>> If they don't, then I think you should be considering two umbrellas.
>>> --Cameron Shorter
>>> http://cameron.shorter.net
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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