[Incubator] Propose FDO for Incubation

Chris Holmes cholmes at openplans.org
Tue Jul 18 11:05:09 EDT 2006

Paul Spencer wrote:
> I think this is the right decision.  FDO is really a separate library 
> used by MapGuide OS in the same way that GDAL is used by MapServer.
> Regarding acceptance of another project into incubation, I am not sure 
> if the IncCom wants to graduate all 8 original projects first or if we 
> want to accept new projects to keep the running total at about 8 projects?
> Personally, I'd like to see a couple of the projects graduate 
> (MapBuilder, GDAL,...) reasonably quickly and then start looking for new 
> projects.
Well, I think the main limiting factor is mentors.  Which was more or 
less by design, so we won't get projects in that no one's excited enough 
to take some time to help them through the process.  It sounds like 
since we lost Daniel as a mentor and you're now doing MapGuide, Paul, we 
should perhaps hold off until another project graduates.

I think I'd imagine a running total of 3-5 projects in incubation as 
being close to an ideal, so that we're not sucking up too much time from 
mentors.  But I'm definitely not against more if mentors are willing to 
step up.


> Paul
> On 17-Jul-06, at 11:21 PM, Robert Bray wrote:
>> All,
>> Changed the subject since we have gone down this path...
>> Long term I would really like to run MapGuide and FDO as separate
>> projects (and they are already separated by infrastructure). So, I would
>> like get FDO into the incubation process. What's the best approach for
>> that, should I send a completed copy of the application form questions
>> to the list and put forth a motion for vote?
>> Thanks,
>> Bob
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Frank Warmerdam [mailto:fwarmerdam at gmail.com] On Behalf Of Frank
>> Warmerdam (External)
>> Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 7:46 PM
>> To: incubator at incubator.osgeo.org
>> Subject: Re: [Incubator] New Mentor for MapGuide
>> Mark Lucas wrote:
>>> I'd agree if they are completely separate, but if they are
>> collaborating
>>> and use some of the same people there may be advantages to rolling it
>>> under an existing project.  This is essentially what we are doing with
>>> osgPlanet under OSSIM.  Probably 90% of our new development is going
>>> into osgPlanet driving some enhancements to the OSSIM baseline in the
>>> process.  Personally, I'd like to see more integration between various
>>> activities.  It will make it less of a tower of Babel when
>> users/members
>>> come looking for solutions.
>> Mark / Cameron / Bob,
>> One distinction I think is that osgPlanet is essentially the same
>> developers as OSSIM.  osgPlanet can, to some degree, be consider an
>> example application on the OSSIM tool chain.
>> Whereas I believe the FDO and MapGuide development teams are
>> quite distinct though they obviously work reasonably closely.  For
>> instance FDO and MapGuide have distinct release cycles.  They are also
>> each quite substantial code bases.   A quick count shows 140KLOC
>> for the FDO core along for instance (not counting any of the
>> format providers).
>> My general feeling is that I wouldn't mind a joint MapGuide/FDO
>> PSC, but that I would see it as a transitional thing, and that
>> at some point they would likely be distinct projects.  But this
>> is a blurry line.
>> Best regards,
>>> On Jul 14, 2006, at 6:54 AM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
>>>> Robert Bray wrote:
>>>>> On a side topic the Feature Data Objects API is just about ready to
>>>>> go fully open. Since MapGuide is FDOs only open source user at the
>>>>> moment I am thinking of managing the two projects under a single
>>>>> umbrella (e.g. one PSC for both). Does anyone have any issues with
>>>>> that or reasons for not doing it that way?
>>>> Do the 2 projects share the same Project Management Committee?  The
>>>> same developers?  The same goals?
>>>> If they don't, then I think you should be considering two umbrellas.
>>>> --Cameron Shorter
>>>> http://cameron.shorter.net
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> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
> |Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
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Chris Holmes
The Open Planning Project
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