[Incubator] Migration Issues

Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Mar 29 07:56:34 EST 2006


I added one thing to the mailing lists section, specifically a  
question about whether it is possible to migrate mailing list  
archives out of CN

Looks like a pretty complete summary.  Do you think we need to flesh  
any of this out with details?  I'm thinking that the incubator will  
need a set of web pages under the incubator site and a project  
migration howto is one of them.  Do you see this staying in the wiki  
or being part of the web site?



On 29-Mar-06, at 1:57 AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Folks,
> As per our discussion in the incubator meeting, I have prepared a
> wiki page that address migration issues.  It attempts to talk to the
> difficulty of migrating into CN as well as out (if that should be  
> necessary).
> Please add thoughts, correct mistakes, etc.
> The message I took away from this effort was that some things would  
> be pretty
> easy to move in (source control), and move back out while others (bug
> database) would likely be hard.   I think we need to evaluate the  
> benefits
> of each from a common branding and user experience point of view.   
> I haven't
> done that well.
>   http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Project_Infrastructure_Migration
> Best regards,
> -- 
> --------------------------------------- 
> +--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,  
> warmerdam at pobox.com
> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | President OSGF, http:// 
> osgeo.org
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|Paul Spencer                           pspencer at dmsolutions.ca   |
|Applications & Software Development                              |
|DM Solutions Group Inc                 http://www.dmsolutions.ca/|

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