[Incubator] PLEASE READ & REPLY: cvs/svn and svn/svn import to OSGeo.org

Steve Lime Steve.Lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Thu May 11 12:39:14 EDT 2006

Project Name: MapServer

Contact name and email: Steve Lime, steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us 

Do you want to copy your repository history to OSGeo?: Y

Repository type and version (like SVN 3.1): CVS 1.11.16

Where are you are currently hosted (custom, CodeHaus, Source Forge,  
etc.): UMN, cvs.gis.umn.edu

Do you have the capability to dump to a svn tarball?: I've no idea...

How many files: 870 (in mapserver and msautotest)

Approximate size of repository (if you can do a svnadmin dump is ideal): ~22Mb


>>> dbrookshier at collab.net 5/10/2006 5:58:50 PM >>>
Greetings folks, I need some quick answers from you right away.

I am working on getting your current repositories moved to the OSGeo  
platform. We are doing a little creative work to get this done  
because importing a repository tar ball has been seen as an  
enterprise service as opposed to something SOP in an open source  
community. This also the first time we have seen a community come  
together from a set of well-established projects. Most of our  
communities are composed of new projects. So in order to make this  
work, I need some information.

Project Name:
Contact name and email:
Do you want to copy your repository history to OSGeo?: (y/n)
Repository type and version (like SVN 3.1):
Where are you are currently hosted (custom, CodeHaus, Source Forge,  
Do you have the capability to dump to a svn tarball?:(y/n)
How many files:
Approximate size of repository (if you can do a svnadmin dump is ideal):

The question about actually moving the repository history is  
important. I need to know how many of you plan to do this to scope  
operation's people's time. Porting your entire repository history is  
not a requirement. As an example, MapGuide chose to just import their  
latest release. There is something to be said for starting out clean.  
I have seen some folks just create snapshots of major release to tar  
files and not even put them in the repository. Depends on what you  
think is important verses clutter.

Note, you can always start with your current version. So there is no  
need to wait for this effort to take place. With svn it is a simple  
matter to merge the tip of the deep history with the current work.  
Just make sure you don't do a lot of fancy refactoring of the  
directory structure.

Please reply ASAP because I need to get things started.

Daniel Brookshier | Community Manager | CollabNet, Inc.
8000 Marina Blvd. Suite 600 | Brisbane, CA 94005 | USA
O 972.422.5261 | C 214.207.6614 | dbrookshier at collab.net 

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