[Incubator] JVNMobileGIS Incubation Application

Khanh Le Ngoc Quoc khanh.lnq at javavietnam.org
Fri Sep 7 00:28:18 EDT 2007

Hi all,

Please see my reply below:

Frank Warmerdam wrote:
> Folks,
> In the interest of helping us work through whether JVNMobileGIS is a good
> candidate project, I thought it might be prudent to review our project
> selection criteria in light of this project.
>   http://www.osgeo.org/incubator/process/evaluation.html
> > Criteria (must haves):
> >
> > 1.  The code is under an OSI approved license (data & doc
> > projects need to specify their choice for a type of license).
> Yes, the project is under GPLv2.
> > 2. The project is willing to keep code clear of encumbrances
> I presume this is the case.  Khanh, is the project prepared to put
> into place contributor guidelines something along the line of
> the following, and enforce them?
>   http://wiki.osgeo.org/index.php/Commiter_Responsibilities_Guidelines
Khanh: Yes, we will have guidelines soon. For now, JVNMobileGIS 
documentation is quite poor because it is still in early stage.
> > 3. The project is "geospatial", or directly in support of
> > geospatial applications.
> yes, the project is clearly geospatial.
> > Desirable Attributes:
> >
> >   1.  Open source software is already reasonably mature (working
> > quality code).
> It is clearly operational.  I'm not too clear on it's maturity level,
> though it isn't critical it be *very* mature.
> >   2. Project already has a substantial user community.
> The application reports a user community of 20.  Are these
> application develops building customized applications on
> top of JVNMobileGIS?  Actually end users using it on their
> mobile phones?   If it is application developesr then it is
> substantial.  If it is folks with phones, then I'd have to
> say it is a small user base still.
Khanh: It was the estimated number of end users at the time I wrote 
report. Now the number of download is growing to hundreds.
> >   3. Project already has a substantial and diverse developer community.
> I understand there are 3 contributing developers from the application.
> This is a pretty small community though by no means a "one man project".
Khanh: Yes, it's still small. I will call for contribution from 
JavaVietnam.org community.
> >   4. Project members are aware of, and implements support for,
> > relevant standards (ie. OGC, etc).
> The application reports supporting open standards of OGC and JCP
> but it does not elaborate.  I'd like to understand if it supports
> access to remote WMS servers, or what other sorts of protocols
> it supports now or plans to support.
> I don't think that JCP related standards are what we are looking
> for in this item.
Khanh: Currently JVNMobileGIS supports WMS (on HTTP/HTTPS). It is 
planned to support WFS in future.
> >   5. Project has linkages with existing foundation projects.
> According to the application there are none, but this has been
> the first point of discussion here on the list.  I don't think
> GeoTools targets Java ME but in my ideal world we would have some
> GeoTools components that are JavaME-safe and were used by
> JVNMobileGIS.  Is this a practical direction to aim?
Khanh: Will aim to make use of popular GIS foundation projects. Actually 
I have considered using Geotools but didn't find a way to use it 
effectively yet.
> >   6. Project fills a gap related to software that the foundation 
> supports.
> Java based mobile applications is definately a gap, and one I would
> like to see filled.  I find this a very compelling reason supporting
> the JVNMobileGIS application.
> >   7. Project is prepared to develop in an open and collaborative 
> fashion.
> Khanh, perhaps you can comment briefly.  I think we are looking for
> a willingness to allow outside contributors, and to establish a
> collaborative way of making technology and other decisions.
Khanh: Yes, I have prepared many things to make JVNMobileGIS ready for 
an open development environment.
> >   8. Project has contributions and interest from more than just one
> > company/organization.
> I am unclear from the application what organizations are
> involved, though it does report "we attract government
> and academic research".  I do think there is every reason
> to believe an open source java mobile mapping and gis
> project could attract broad interest.
Khanh: GIS is still not popular in Vietnam. So we target at specific 
users first then we will broadcast it to other types of user.
> >   9. Project is willing to migrate some or all of its
> > infrastructure (code repository, web site, wiki, mailing list,
> > etc) to foundation support infrastructure, and to adopt a
> > website style consistent with the foundation.
> Khanh, perhaps you could comment on whether this of interest?
> I thought I saw some stuff about this in the application, but
> on review I don't see anything directly applying.  In any event
> I consider this a minor issue.
Khanh: Google Code provides us a good infrastructure, but I'm willing to 
migrate all to a foundation support infrastructure.
> Overall, my initial sense is that this would be a great project
> to have associated with OSGeo.  However, I have no technical
> experience with the project and I am hoping some folks can
> actually try it out, review the code and give us a sense of
> it's maturity and whether this project is organized such that
> it will be a good "java mobile gis" platform going forward.
> As other are, I'm also interested in see what linkages make
> sense with our other Java and/or mobile efforts.
> Best regards,

Khanh Le Ngoc Quoc
Administrator - JavaVietnam
462 Nguyen Kiem street, Phu Nhuan district - Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam 
Tel: (084) 82 169 771
Mobile: (084) 908 625 123
Email: khanh.lnq at javavietnam.org
Website: http://www.javavietnam.org

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