[Incubator] deegree incubation progress - who has the ball?

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Jan 13 03:07:03 EST 2010

Oh dear; I thought I had done that back in October.

I reiterate my recommendation; deegree has done everything we have asked as part of the incubation process. In particular their presentation IP issues is very clear and easy to follow. I also liked the transparency of their development process (in meeting notes were clear with action points and so forth).

The only issues raised have been concern about the breadth of organisations associated with the project.  This was expressed as both a business process concern (not sure if it something we actually try to review in the incubation process); and in terms of the comfort level of the incubation committee.   

In the last incubation meeting it was decided to give the committee time to both review the documentation and ask any additional questions of the deegree team. 

I have not seen any progress on either of these fronts; my recommendation still stands.


On 13/01/2010, at 2:40 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Jody Garnett wrote:
>> When we last checked in on the incubation progress for deegree - we
>> were all a bit distracted with FOSS4G (indeed this mailing list was
>> quiet). I know the deegree team has had their hands full focused on
>> deegree 3 and have been kind in not pestering us for suggestions or
>> action.
>> So near as I can tell the ball is firmly in our court. I have had a
>> couple of IRC discussions since October, and reviewed some of the
>> degree website and documentation with Frank. Is there anything more
>> for us to do?
> Jody,
> The ball is in your court to raise a motion of graduation if you are
> satisfied with the status of deegree.  My primary concern was whether
> community discussion and decision making were working effectively in
> a fashion satisfactory to outside contributors.
> Note that the motion should:
> o Have "Motion:" in the subject.
> o Should name the proposed official representative for deegree (ie OSGeo VP, deegree)
> o Should be open for seven days to give time for discussion and review
>   before people vote.
> Best regards,
> -- 
> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
> light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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