[Incubator] gvSIG incubation process feedback

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Fri Jan 3 07:28:18 PST 2014

Jody (others),

Is there a good way to try and use the incubation process as a means of getting things orderly/organized by each incubation candidate?  I know that the incubation process brought the GeoMoose project ahead much further and quicker than it would have happened on it's own.    I wonder if you could keep the idea open that not all problems need to be fixed, but not necessarily push this idea as a promotion point, but rather  use it as a process to move  a project through the system.  In other wards error on the side of fixing things vs leaving them go (where possible.)


While we wait (or figure out if a replacement is needed) is there any section of the review or checklist we could help provide feedback on? Note that projects do not need to fix all the problems found during review, it is enough that they are known issues so potential contributors (and the board) can evaluate the risk themselves.

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