[Incubator] gvSIG project graduation - motion

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Oct 27 09:53:08 PDT 2015

Hi incubation committee,
With the latest updates to gvSIG's docs about decision making [1] 
updated, I believe gvSIG is ready for graduation, as requested by 
Dimitris (OSGeo graduation mentor) below.

I propose that gvSIG is officially passes the OSGeo Graduation process 
and is accepted as an OSGeo project into graduation.
+1 Cameron


On 27/10/2015 2:50 am, Dimitris Kotzinos wrote:
> Dear all,
> I think that this is a good time for me as the mentor of the gvSIG
> project to recap the discussion in an effort to move things forward.
> Before that I would like to thank all the members of the committee for
> the highly constructive comments and the members of the gvSIG Community
> (especially Alvaro and Manuel that were the voices) for the very prompt
> and also constructive responses that show a great level of dedication in
> the graduation process.
> So I feel that the gvSIG community is demonstrating also through the
> graduation process its strength and commitment. I think that there were
> not really severe pending issues that would prohibit the project from
> graduating, while various comments - like the management process and the
> TSC functioning - demonstrated that on the one hand there is always room
> for improvement and on the other hand the community has already strong
> processes in place. We might not all agree 100% of all the processes but
> in my review of those (and I had long discussions with the gvSIG people
> before suggesting the project for graduation) I find that the processes
> are institutionalized and observed with a professional quality. The
> gvSIG community offers the unique experience for an OSGEO project to be
> managed by a legal entity. Moreover, the gvSIG community is healthy and
> spans 4 continents and carries information in different languages and in
> different places. I suspect that graduation gave them a good incentive
> to clarify and update their documented functions.
> So since we started the graduation process back in July (almost now 3
> months ago) I would like to ask teh Committee members to try to honor
> their request that we have some results shortly enough, in time for
> their next gvSIG Conference. Personally I do not see any blocking factor
> but if it is let's try to communicate it to them as fast as possible.
> So I would like to kindly ask Jody, as the chair, that if he feels that
> there are no blockong issues to move the vote forward.
> Again from my side I am available to facilitate the process as much,
> although as you saw so far I am letting the community deal with all
> requests posted here.
> So please as a Committee let's follow up on this.
> Best regards,
> Dimitris
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

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