[Incubator] Info on the Old OSGeo Labs

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 02:45:43 PST 2016

Yes, "OSGeo aspiring projects" works.

On 8/03/2016 9:43 pm, Even Rouault wrote:
> Le mardi 08 mars 2016 11:35:18, Cameron Shorter a écrit :
>> Hey Jody,
>> I'm actually agreeing with all you are suggesting doing with the
>> rebranded "OSGeo Labs", except the name "OSGeo Technology". This name
>> misrepresents the "Self Serve", non-validated concept of "OSGeo Labs".
>> The name implies "built out of OSGeo Projects".  This is a dis-service
>> to people who come to our site for the first time, a dis-service to
>> "OSGeo Projects" who now become associated with immature projects.
>> Pick a more accurate name than "OSGeo Technology" and I'd back the rest
>> of what you are suggesting.
> OSGeo aspiring projects ?
>> Warm regards, Cameron
>> On 7/03/2016 9:55 am, Jody Garnett wrote:
>>> This is going to be a tough one Cameron ... our brand currently has a
>>> reputation for turning projects away ... not quality.
>>> The long story short is how to respond to the direction to be
>>> inclusive. We have two strong characters on this mailing list with an
>>> axe to grind making it difficult for projects to be part of OSGeo. I
>>> am very keen on projects *being* open source, and you are very keen on
>>> making projects safe for users to adopt (project viability, quality,
>>> open standards).
>>> I am proposing repurposing "OSGeo Labs" (which did not promise
>>> anything as a brand and got adopted by GeoForAll) as "OSGeo
>>> Technology" to focus on the open source angle; in order to preserve
>>> "OSGeo Projects" (and incubation) to focus on the second.
>>> We have a tension here between being inclusive (read easy) and
>>> transparent (which takes effort).
>>> How would you like to add "transparency" to this mix? We could provide
>>> a table with website, download, documentation, test results - not sure
>>> if that would help with transparency?
>>> I know we keep coming back to a rating system on this mailing list - I
>>> recognize your work in this area for OSGeo Live with the introduction
>>> of black duck metrics. I imagine you would also be happy to phrase
>>> things as positive "badges" (for projects that have documentation, or
>>> quality assurance, or standards testing).  For quality, documentation
>>> and so forth I think we are stuck leading by example (and perhaps
>>> working with the OGC on standards compliance).
>>> On 3 March 2016 at 23:57, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com
>>> <mailto:cameron.shorter at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>      Hi Jody,
>>>      I agree with your suggestion that "Old OSGeo Labs" need not have
>>>      an aim of entering OSGeo incubation.
>>>      However, I object to any project becoming associated with OSGeo
>>>      without it being obvious about the level of quality control the
>>>      project has gone through.
>>>      As suggested below, I could knock together 100 lines of
>>>      uncommented, non-working code, give it an open source license, and
>>>      then add a "OSGeo Technology" logo to the home page. And most
>>>      average punters wouldn't know the difference between term "OSGeo
>>>      Project" and "OSGeo Technology". This would result in diminishing
>>>      the current association between OSGeo applications and quality,
>>>      which would be a bad thing.
>>>      I feel "OSGeo Labs", "OSGeo Community Builder Projects", or
>>>      shortened to "OSGeo Builder Projects" are less likely to be
>>>      confused with "OSGeo Incubated" projects.
>>>      Warm regards, Cameron
>>>      On 4/03/2016 2:13 am, Stephen Woodbridge wrote:
>>>          +1, I think these changes make a lot of sense and as part of
>>>          an OSGeo Technology project this feels very inclusive.
>>>          -Steve W
>>>          On 3/3/2016 9:46 AM, Jody Garnett wrote:
>>>              I would like to change the tone of the page a bit, since
>>>              it "assumes"
>>>              incubation ..
>>>                  /OSGeo Labs is an umbrella for open source geospatial
>>>              software
>>>                  projects that would like to become OSGeo projects in
>>>              the future, but
>>>                  that aren't ready for incubation quite yet. It is
>>>              appropriate to
>>>                  submit your new or experimental project as an OSGeo
>>>              labs project./
>>>                  /
>>>                  /
>>>                  /The volunteers that work as part of OSGeo Labs have
>>>              the goal of
>>>                  helping OSGeo Labs Projects qualify for incubation. To
>>>              reach this
>>>                  goal, OSGeo Labs volunteers help OSGeo Labs Projects
>>>              with the
>>>                  following tasks:
>>>                  /
>>>              Would become:
>>>                  /Welcome to OSGeo Technology. The projects listed here
>>>              are part of
>>>                  the Open Source Geospatial Foundation and range from new
>>>                  experimental projects to established pillars of our
>>>              open source
>>>                  ecosystem./
>>>                  /
>>>                  /
>>>                  /All projects here meet our goals as an organization -
>>>              they are open
>>>                  source (no really we checked) and are inclusive and
>>>              welcoming to new
>>>                  contributors./
>>>                  /
>>>                  /
>>>                  /Projects that go on to establish excellence in
>>>              community building,
>>>                  documentation, and governance can enter our
>>>              "incubation" program. /
>>>              I would also lose the "status" conditions
>>>              seed/seedling/sapling/adult
>>>              and keep OSGeo Technology focused on the basics (open source
>>>              & inclusive). The status becomes having the "OSGeo
>>>              Technology" badge nice
>>>              and simple.
>>>              Thinking this through a bit more we have one clear reason
>>>              for projects
>>>              to go through with incubation - being recognized by the
>>>              board and having
>>>              an OSGeo Officer listed directly for the project, while
>>>              OSGeo Technology
>>>              projects "share" an officer (as part of "incubation
>>>              committee").
>>>              On 11 February 2016 at 11:04, Landon Blake
>>>              <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
>>>              <mailto:sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>
>>>              <mailto:sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com
>>>              <mailto:sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>>> wrote:
>>>                  There is some good information on what we were trying
>>>              to achieve
>>>                  with the old OSGeo Labs on the wiki:
>>>              https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Labs
>>>                  I think most of that information on the wiki still
>>>              applies. This
>>>                  includes the purpose of labs, how projects get started
>>>              in labs, what
>>>                  labs is trying to accomplish, and the criteria to
>>>              determine if your
>>>                  project is a good fit for labs.
>>>                  Does anyone have major heartburn with what is laid out
>>>              on that wiki
>>>                  page? (I'll rename the wiki page as soon as we get a
>>>              new name for labs.)
>>>                  Landon
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Cameron Shorter,
Software and Data Solutions Manager
Suite 112, Jones Bay Wharf,
26 - 32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009

P +61 2 9009 5000,  W www.lisasoft.com,  F +61 2 9009 5099

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