[Incubator] Application to host Open Source Project "actinia" under the umbrella of OSGeo

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Oct 31 19:16:34 PDT 2018

That sounds great Till, and the project looks to be really nicely put

Having a look at the repository we got one thing on our checklist to fix
before placing on the website, and if you are interested in joining osgeo
community I will ask you to check over your headers again.


1. geospatial

- readme check:

2. open source license

- open source license:

I had a look and the first couple python files I looked at did not have a
- I did not really look any more than that :)

3. accepts contributions

One thing we check for (at least for those projects using GitHub) is the
use of a CONTRIBUTING.md file or similar.  As part of their "forge"
infrastructure GitHub provides a link to the contributing policies (the

Can we ask you to add one of these CONTRIBUTING.md files, even if all it
says that that you are happy to accept pull requests and that they should
be provided to the project via GPL 3 etc...
Jody Garnett

On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 at 07:38, Till Adams <adams at terrestris.de> wrote:

> Dear Incubation Committee,
> we would like to introduce you to our cloud based geoprocessing platform
> "actinia".
> Actinia is an Open Source REST API for scalable, distributed, high
> performance processing of geographical data that uses GRASS GIS for
> computational tasks. Actinia orchestrates it's own workers and
> parallelizes processes optimized on cloud-environments.
> Actinia provides a REST API to e.g. process satellite images, time
> series of satellite images, arbitrary raster data with geographical
> relations and vector data.
> The REST interface allows to access, manage and manipulate the GRASS GIS
> database via HTTP GET,PUT,POST and DELETE requests and to process
> raster, vector and time series data located in a persistent GRASS GIS
> database.
> You can find the code on github:
> https://github.com/mundialis/actinia_core
> The ithub page already delivers some examples on how t use it.
> There are already several plugins available:
> https://github.com/mundialis/actinia_satellite_plugin
> https://github.com/mundialis/actinia_statistic_plugin
> Further there is a swagger based API-documentation and also a
> testing-installation on a mundialis-server:
> https://actinia.mundialis.de/
> The license is GPL 3 and yes, we are happy and very open for external
> contributors. For the first step, we would like to get actinia listed on
> the OSGeo webpage and later would like to release it as an OSGeo
> community project.
> There are no further plans on how to proceed then, everything is
> possible (e.g. official incubation).
> Our plans with the software are as follows: There is already a
> GDI-connector, we call it actiniaGDI, which is not yet on github and
> that needs some more time, because it's a project-related solution in
> the moment. But releasing actiniaGDI on github (and as Open Source) is
> on our list. Also, we think about having a QGIS-PlugIn, that allows to
> access actinia-server(s).
> We are happy to receive your support, if there are any questions, we are
> happy to help!
> Till Adams & Markus Neteler
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