[Incubator] cleaning up "osgeo community" page

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Sep 23 20:41:27 PDT 2019

After the code sprint (and many questions at foss4g) the following page is
updated to better describe what we are doing with the program.


The page had been complicated over time with a lot of draft idea,
discussion of mutations, and descriptions of prior attend (to set up a
"osgeo labs" area for new projects).

Of particular importance is the table of requirements to be listed on the
website, join the osgeo community program, or be recognized as an osgeo

CRITIAL - the list of what we expect of applicants has has expanded to
include "code of conduct". I have also done a better job explaining that we
ask a little more in each category (be geospatial, check headers,
demonstrate collaboration)...

*About OSGeo Community Projects*

*In addition to being listed on the website, projects applying to the
*OSGeo Community* program are asked to:*

   1. *Be geospatial *
      - *Confirm by checking README or project description*
      - *We ask projects have some user documentation, for example an OSGeo
      Live quickstart*
   2. *Have a free license or an open source license.*
      - *The license must be OSI approved*
      - *We ask that the project team check the file headers and double
      check the license has been appropriately applied*
   3. *Welcome participation and new contributors.*
      - *We look for a clear contribution policy*
      - *We ask that the project demonstrate collaboration, perhaps with a
      history of bug report or pull requests*
   4. *Code of Conduct*
      - *OSGeo has supplied some guidance for projects
      <https://www.osgeo.org/code_of_conduct/>many of which select contribution
      covenant <https://www.contributor-covenant.org/>*

aside: If you are describing what we offer project teams I encourage the
use of incubation page <https://www.osgeo.org/about/committees/incubation/>
on the website.
Jody Garnett
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