[Liblas-devel] liblas 1.0.1 on FreeBSD64 with gcc 3.4.4

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Wed May 27 22:34:46 EDT 2009

On May 27, 2009, at 9:10 PM, Jeff Hamann wrote:

> $ ./configure --with-boost=no --with-gdal=/usr/home/hamannj/gdal-1.6.0

Is boost complaining?  Are you required to do --with-boost=no?  If so,  
I should fix that, boost is not a requirement to build the library at  
this time.

> lots of the following:
> gt_wkt_srs.cpp:656: error: `Datum_North_American_Datum_1983'  
> undeclared (first use this function)
> gt_wkt_srs.cpp:659: error: `Datum_WGS84' undeclared (first use this  
> function)
> gt_wkt_srs.cpp:666: error: `CSVFilename' undeclared (first use this  
> function)
> ...
> gt_wkt_srs.cpp:1924: error: `TIFFTAG_GEOTIEPOINTS' undeclared (first  
> use this function)
> gt_wkt_srs.cpp:1965: error: `CPLFree' undeclared (first use this  
> function)
> gt_wkt_srs.cpp:1974: error: `TIFFIsTiled' undeclared (first use this  
> function)
> *** Error code 1

guh, you probably need a trunk-ish GDAL.

>> Are there plans to move the las2ogr into the ogr library?

Not at this point.  I'm skeptical it would be any more convenient to  
be in the GDAL tree with las2ogr, las2ogr is developing quite rapidly  
still, and las2ogr is not at all in OGR's code style and would likely  
have to be rewritten a bit to satisfy the OGR style gods.

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