[Live-demo] directory structure ready to go

Daniel Kastl daniel.kastl at georepublic.de
Fri Sep 10 05:22:07 EDT 2010

I think we could do as Wikipedia does and they use the language codes as
directory names.
If Wikipedia does it shouldn't be too bad choice.

Btw, there was a post about multilingual docs with Spinx in a mailing list:


2010/9/10 Daniel Kastl <daniel.kastl at georepublic.de>

> I think that we should make different languages of the documents available
> for any localized LiveDVD, because someone might prefer to read the English
> docs even if the LiveDVD was distributed at a German conference for example.
> Just the default language might be different if possible. There should be
> something like a "language switcher" somewhere that one can also chose
> another language of the documents.
> Daniel
> 2010/9/10 Alex Mandel <tech_dev at wildintellect.com>
> On 09/09/2010 03:38 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
>> > Cool; I see the directory structure is ready to go...
>> > - https://svn.osgeo.org/osgeo/livedvd/gisvm/trunk/doc/en
>> >
>> > Looks good to me; although I am a bit confused as I think that some of
>> the different languages will need different themes (both the navigation and
>> the OSGeo Live title can be translated).
>> >
>> > Jody
>> The navigation is going to be moved into rst format and is currently
>> inserted via the templates. So we might need to have a template for each
>> language (just one file not the whole directory).
>> Here are the languages currently installed on the disc (OS based not all
>> apps are in these). Also open to slight modification with good reason
>> (ie a local chapter), the initial choice was based on number of speakers
>> in the world. These are the iso codes used to pull the language packs in
>> Ubuntu.
>>  zh \ chinese
>>  es \ spanish
>>  hi \ hindi
>>  ar \ arabic
>>  bn \ Bengali
>>  pt \ Portuguese
>>  ru \ russian
>>  ja \ japanese
>>  de \ german
>>  pa \ Punjabi
>>  fr \ french
>>  te \ Telugu
>>  vi \ Vietnamese
>>  mr \ Marathi
>>  ko \ korean
>>  ta \ Tamil
>>  it \ italian
>>  tr \ turkish
>> I think we can probably swap out Tamil,Telugu and Marathi for say Thai
>> (th),Greek (el), and maybe another Eastern European language that we
>> have more contact with.
>> Thanks,
>> Alex
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