[Live-demo] 5.0alpha2 build logs

Manuel Grizonnet manuel.grizonnet at gmail.com
Mon Jun 27 15:48:45 EDT 2011


I understand that you can be reluctant to change the default gdal package in
the install script of osgeo live. Hope we can find a resolution before the
5.0 release.
For your information the guys from qgis on the listcan confirm, but I think
that the problem also appears in Quantum GIS 1.7 :


2011/6/27 <maplabs at light42.com>

> Hi -
>   two thoughts:
> * GDAL users certainly outnumber OTB users, both humans and applications,
> so a custom patch to GDAL .deb to support OTB does not sound good
> * However, I a suspicious that the GDAL .deb has so much trouble with
> external TIFF.. maybe there is a flaw in the way they are packaging GDAL..
>   I am not at all ready to try to change the GDAL package, but I am one of
> the people doing maintenance on the OSGeo-Live install scripts.. Thanks for
> bringing this issue up early.. OTB is a great addition to the LiveDVD and we
> *do* want to find a resolution - IMO
>   best regards from Berkeley, California
>    -Brian
> On Mon, 27 Jun 2011 17:31:52 +0200, Julien Malik ** wrote:
> Hello,
> One important point for OTB on OSGeoLive :
> We hit a wall with the gdal 1.8 package provided in ubuntugis-unstable
> repository : it breaks TIFF support for applications linking to both gdal
> and tiff, which is the case for OTB, making the OTB packages pretty much
> useless.
> This issue has been discussed on gdal-dev ML.
> The debian packager of gdal is working on a solution to this known problem,
> but it is not yet out.
> The solution we chose for the OTB debian package is to patch the gdal
> source package, and provide a patched binary package on the
> orfeotoolbox-nightly PPA (here :
> https://launchpad.net/~otb/+archive/orfeotoolbox-nightly<https://launchpad.net/%7Eotb/+archive/orfeotoolbox-nightly>
> ).
> For those interested, the patch is here :
> http://hg.orfeo-toolbox.org/OTB-DevUtils/file/tip/Packaging/ubuntu/gdal/do_not_disable_GTIFF_for_otb
> It is harmless : it's only aim is to recover the behavior of gdal < 1.8,
> where the TIFF driver was still registered, even in case of conflicts with
> the gdal internal Tiff version.
> When the release will be out in a few days, we will copy this binary over
> to the orfeotoolbox-stable-ubuntugis PPA, which is used during the OSGeo
> Live installation procedure.
> In particular, it will spread out as the default gdal on the OSGeo Live CD.
> I don't like it a lot, but we don't have a better solution coming to mind.
> Meanwhile, I'm confident about the fact that the patch has no functionnal
> impact on gdal.
> What is your opinion ?
> Julien
> Le 27/06/2011 09:03, Manuel Grizonnet a écrit :
> Hi,
>  concerning otb, the library is in the release candidate process. The
> release 3.10 is planned for the 06/30. I hope that Ubuntu Natty packages
> will be available just after that (orfeotoolbox-nightly packages already
> work on Natty : https://launchpad.net/~otb/+archive/orfeotoolbox-nightly<https://launchpad.net/%7Eotb/+archive/orfeotoolbox-nightly>
> ).
>  I'll send more informations at the end of the week.
>  Regards,
> Manuel
> **
>  2011/6/26 Hamish <hamish_b at yahoo.com <http://mailto:hamish_b@yahoo.com>>
>>  Alex wrote:
>> > http://live.osgeo.org/dev/build/5alpha2-log.tar.gz
>> >
>> > Went a little better than last time. I had to manually
>> > interrupt and restart it (though not clean) somewhere towards
>> > the end of Java stuff.
>>  thanks,
>> > Opps sorry I didn't up the version on the alpha build (I
>> > always forget that each new cycle).
>> semi-bumped now. a build-checklist.txt in svn might help ..
>> > If the logs look decent after a day I'll go ahead and pack
>> > a vm for people to download to make future testing of scripts
>> > easier on the 5.0 version.
>>  still propagating packaging errors in this one leaving the
>> system in a broken state...
>> 5.0a2 quick build log review:
>> everyone:
>> ${CURLY} brackets do nothing to protect the command line from
>> spaces and special chars within variables. Use "double quotes"
>> for that.
>> geoserver:
>> FIXME: 'export FOO=bar' is a Bashism and will not work with Ubuntu's
>> #!/bin/sh  (which is dash)
>> geomajas:
>> GeoMajas FIXME: Do not use 777 if at all possible.
>> geonetwork:
>> any way to make your 250mb package smaller?
>> deegree, openjump, maptiler:
>> FIXME: don't use wget for local files, just copy from local svn checkout:
>>  cp ../app-conf/$FILE $DEST
>> gvSIG:
>> > mv: cannot stat `gvSIG19_new_features.tar.gz': No such file or directory
>> etc.
>> osm:
>> temporary DNS trouble, now fixed?
>> Static copy of Denver.osm.bz2 now stashed on OSGeo download server, note
>> many times bigger than Barcelona, which may make the PostGIS DB
>> huge?
>> Sahaha:
>> a number of errors, e.g.:
>> > DataError: value too long for type character varying(64)
>> > OSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'applications/eden/compiled'
>> Ushahidi:
>> > ... Ushahidi already downloaded
>> > tar: A lone zero block at 17095
>> (probably want to do a timestamp check with the wget, but -N and -O are
>> mutually exclusive)
>> > ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost'
>> there is no root password. try operating as another user name.
>> ?
>> geopublisher, atlasstyler:
>> > E: Package 'geopublishing-doc' has no installation candidate
>> mapfish:
>> > Download error: [Errno -2] Name or service not known -- Some packages
>> may not be found!
>> ?
>> script is very verbose, making it hard to pick out real error
>> messages.
>> mapguide:
>> .debs need to be updated for Ubuntu 11.04, ie to not depend on
>> odbcinst1debian1
>> Uses a disproportionate amount of disc space (>375mb). please
>> find ways to slim it down.
>> [after this all other deb installs are broken for the rest of the ISO
>> build..]
>> ossim:
>> wants libgdal1-1.7.0, but only 1.6.0 and 1.8.0 are available.
>> -> rebuild for natty
>> WARNING: wget -N timestamping does nothing in combination with -O.
>> 52nSOS:
>> please shut off pgsql verbose mode & fix errors, if possible.
>> otb:
>> fails-- no packages for ubuntu/natty found in PPA.
>> [after this even less of the apt system works...]
>> disc space:
>> can we safely uninstall linux-headers-2.6.38-8? (81.5mb)
>> + linux-headers-2.6.38-8-generic (10mb)
>> (is building the proprietary nvidia driver a critical need?)
>> Hamish
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> --
> Manuel
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