[webmap-discuss] Re: vector editing summary
Paul Spencer
pspencer at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Oct 31 21:17:31 EST 2006
http://svn.openlayers.org/sandbox/pagameba/vector is the current (not
working) version that I am using to move code around in.
I created a copy of the more-or-less working version in http://
The newer version is starting to look like the list below but a bunch
of stuff is still not moved around and its not in a runnable state
right now.
Also, I did add the primative methods to the point and line segment
code for basic picking functions, which are the building blocks for
editing controls. Once the code is running again, I'll chat with
Chris Schmidt about creating controls for digitizing and editing.
Anselm ... not sure where you want to dig in, perhaps just dig around
and look at the code ... I'll be working on it again tomorrow night
for an hour or two I think, perhaps we could discuss how to split up
the work if you see an area you want to work on.
On 31-Oct-06, at 5:28 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Yes Anselm, I suggest working in Paul's directory. (I assume that
> is OK with Paul?)
> And use the design from the UML diagrams as the master.
> At the moment, focus on the Graphics code.
> I'm struggling with how to handle Geometry at different scales.
> How do you describe a feature using a different FeatureCollection
> for each zoom level.
> I've raise the issue on the OWS Context email list and it seems
> that this problem has not been resolved properly in Context, WFS,
> and possibly even GML specs.
> Anselm Hook wrote:
>> I'd like to be able to play with some code a bit - should i use
>> the stuff here:
>> http://svn.openlayers.org/sandbox/pagameba/vector/lib/OpenLayers/
>> Vector.js
>> Or should I use pauls stuff which may be elsewhere?
>> I wouldn't mind roughing out some of camerons framework and then
>> playing with some canvas based implementations of the abstractions
>> for
>> fun...
>> - a
>> On 10/31/06, Cameron Shorter <cameron.shorter at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Paul, Anselm,
>>> I haven't updated as much of the design as I hoped. Other
>>> priorities got
>>> in the way.
>>> I've primarilly only updated the Graphics code.
>>> I've changed the names slightly to align with GO-1 naming
>>> convensions.
>>> (A Java standard API)
>>> I've re-introduced a Factory.
>>> The key API will be the Canvas object.
>>> I'll be back onto this tomorrow. (your afternoon)
>>> Paul Spencer wrote:
>>> > Cameron, here is my non-uml version of where I think we could
>>> go with
>>> > the design/architecture. I think this allows for a lot of
>>> flexibility
>>> > but is reasonably easy to understand.
>>> >
>>> > Lemme know what you think ...
>>> >
>>> > Cheers
>>> >
>>> > Paul
>>> >
>>> > --
>>> >
>>> > Graphics
>>> > Graphics.Point
>>> > Graphics.Line
>>> > Graphics.LineSegment
>>> > Graphics.Polygon
>>> > Graphics.Circle
>>> >
>>> > Graphics represents graphic primitives. Graphic primitives deal
>>> > directly in pixel coordinates and know nothing about the spatial
>>> > objects they represent.
>>> >
>>> > Vector
>>> > Vector.Point
>>> > Vector.Line
>>> > Vector.Polygon
>>> >
>>> > Vector encapsulates a geo-spatial feature. Vector objects can
>>> create
>>> > Graphics primitives to use for rendering. A Vector object can
>>> also be
>>> > initialized from a Graphics object to aid in digitizing new
>>> features
>>> > and editing existing features.
>>> >
>>> > Style
>>> > Style.PointSymbolizer
>>> > Style.LineSymbolizer
>>> > Style.AreaSymbolizer
>>> >
>>> > Style is a general description of how to render a specific type of
>>> > Vector feature. Styles can be associated with a Layer or with
>>> > individual Vector objects. Style is used by the Renderer to
>>> create a
>>> > visual representation of a Vector
>>> >
>>> > Renderer
>>> > Renderer.Graphic
>>> > Renderer.Graphic.Canvas
>>> > Renderer.Graphic.SVG
>>> > Renderer.Graphic.VML
>>> > Renderer.WKT
>>> > Renderer.GML
>>> >
>>> > Renderer is a generic virtual vector rendering interface. Only
>>> > specific subclasses of Renderer can be instantiated. A vector
>>> layer
>>> > uses the renderer to render its Vector objects into some
>>> output. The
>>> > main use is to render a graphic representation of a Vector
>>> feature.
>>> > However, Renderers can also produce string representations such
>>> as WKT
>>> > and GML.
>>> >
>>> > Layer
>>> > Layer.Vector
>>> > Layer.Vector.GeoRSS
>>> > Layer.Vector.WFS
>>> >
>>> > A Layer.Vector is a generic vector rendering layer. It manages an
>>> > array of Vector objects. Sub-classes of Layer.Vector provide
>>> direct
>>> > access to vector data via a specific protocol like GeoRSS or WFS.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> > |Paul Spencer
>>> pspencer at dmsolutions.ca |
>>> >
>>> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> > |Chief Technology
>>> Officer |
>>> > |DM Solutions Group Inc http://
>>> www.dmsolutions.ca/ |
>>> >
>>> +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> --
>>> Cameron Shorter
>>> http://cameron.shorter.net
> --
> Cameron Shorter
> http://cameron.shorter.net
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|Paul Spencer pspencer at dmsolutions.ca |
|Chief Technology Officer |
|DM Solutions Group Inc http://www.dmsolutions.ca/ |
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