[Mapbender-dev] mod_treefolder2

Michael Schulz mschulz at webgis.de
Wed Nov 28 05:11:31 EST 2007


I know there is currently work done at improving mod_treefolder2, but
nevertheless, this might make it into 2.4.4.

I think there is a confusion in mod_treefolder2.php: To decide whether
a layer should be ignored in the tree, it currently checks for
gui_layer_selectable but should check against gui_layer_status.

- lines 513 + 549
- the check whether layer 0 has status=0 is not present (BTW: if this
is the case it should actually continue to the next wms not only to
the next layer, in my opinion)
- line 537

Any other thoughts on this?

Cheers, Michael

Michael Schulz
mschulz at webgis.de

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