[Mapbender-dev] install script for windows? - links to cmd /
bat help pages
Christoph Baudson
christoph.baudson at wheregroup.com
Thu Jul 2 03:10:42 EDT 2009
Astrid Emde schrieb:
> On Wed, July 1, 2009 7:00 pm, Thomas Baschetti wrote:
>> Astrid Emde schrieb:
>>> msgfmt.exe should be installed on windows too. This tools comes with
>>> the
>>> installation of poedit. You only have to aff the path to msgfmt to the
>>> PATH variable.
>>> Please have a look at:
>>> http://www.mapbender.org/Gettext#Utility_programms
>>> It would be cool if this would be added to the script aswell.
>> ok, depending on temperature in my workroom i will add it tomorrow ;-)
>> Ciao
>> Thomas
> Hello Thomas,
> I hope your office cooled down a bit ;)
> I tested your script and it worked fine. I just tried it for
> * postgresql - UTF8
> * I had to add PostgreSQL to the PATH-Variable
> * I liked the way how the script leads through the installation
> Are the scripts from the workflow more or less the same? Or do we have
> to take parts from your changes to the install_2.6.sh script
> Well done!
I didn't test it, but thanks a lot for porting the script to Windows.
And thanks to everybody who worked on this script, it is an essential
part of Mapbender. Very much appreciated,
> Astrid
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