[Mapbender-users] Treegde Stadtplan Mainz

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at ccgis.de
Fri Dec 29 05:12:05 EST 2006

Michael Schulz wrote:
> Hallo,
> mir ist erst gerade aufgefallen, dass der WMS-Layer-Baum im Mainzer
> Stadtplan eine Verschachtelungsebene mehr enthält als der "normale"
> TreeGde? Oder wird da der TreeConfGDE verwendet? Besteht die
> Möglichkeit von den Mainzern etwas mehr Infos drüber zu erhalten?
> Viele Grüße und Schöne Weihnachten, Michael Schulz
> ---
> Hi,
> just realized that the layer tree of the Mainz city map uses one level
> more in its hierachy than the "normal" treeGDE" module offers. Or is
> the treeConfGDE module used in this GUI?
> Happy X-mas, Michael Schulz

the city of Mainz (as Nuremberg, Regensburg and many others too) uses the configurable tree structure. Mr., Rieth from the city of Mainz will probably give you some additional information, if you need his address get me offlist. 

In the longer run we suggest to move to the new tree structure that we are currently including to the Mapbender core. It is currently in beta testing and should be available in the January release. It will have many more options including a load status monitor, links to meta data and positioning (moving layers up and down).

Best regards, 

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