[Mapbender-users] Problems with EPSG

Astrid Emde (WhereGroup) astrid.emde at wheregroup.com
Tue Jun 17 08:15:35 EDT 2008

Hi Sandra,

just some more information to get your WMS runnig:

Go to admin2_en -  WMS GUI settings. Klick on your WMS and have a look at
the layers. The Layer with Nr. 0 i your root layer. Find out the layer_id.

Run the following SQL (replace the <layer_id>):
INSERT INTO layer_epsg (fkey_layer_id, epsg, minx, miny, maxx, maxy)
VALUES (<layer_id>, 'EPSG:32761',

Go again to admin2_en -  WMS GUI settings and coose the WMS. You should
now have the possibility to choose the new EPSG.

Best regards astrid

On Tue, June 17, 2008 12:57 pm, Sandra Mink wrote:
> Hi, again!
> Many thanks Len and Astrid for your quick responses!
> Len, I have edited the changeEPSG and added a row with the 32761 EPSG.Now
> I can select 32761 in the GUI but it doesn't work because I get the
> following error message:
> "Failed to load WMS .. from server ... Do you want to try it in a new
> window?"
> To avoid more problems right now I have only one WMS loaded, mine from
> geoserver. It's true that in the WMS to GUI settings menu it is set to
> 4326, but I don't know how to change it...
> Astrid, I have looked at the layer_epsg and it seems that there is a layer
> only with EPSG 4326. I think it is not really a layer in geoserver, but
> the Title I gave to the WMS configuration. That's what I see:
> ....
> id: 0 parent: name: Elefante WMS title: Elefante WMS queryable: 0
> minScale: 0 maxScale: 0dataurl: metadataurl:
> EPSG:4326
> -178.20351006019976
> -50.07764976069634
> -177.64443958125736
> -49.81625887166632
> layerstyle:
> name
> title
> legendurl
> legendurlformat
> id: 1 parent: 0 name: ele:Linea de costa title: coast_Type queryable: 1
> minScale: 0 maxScale: 0dataurl: metadataurl:
> EPSG:4326
> -178.20351006019976
> -50.07764976069634
> -177.64443958125736
> -49.81625887166632
> EPSG:32761
> -2644018.138249832
> 1809033.7193695423
> -2609670.4495129166
> 1855366.7973831547
> ...
> I have added a row to the table with the BoundingBox limits as you told
> me. But now my question is (perhaps a very simple one) how do I update
> this values in mapbender? I have tried it with the update WMS but I don't
> see any changes???
> I would be very, very thankful if you help me to solve this!
> Vielen, vielen Dank!!
> Sandra
>> Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 11:23:26 +0200> Subject: RE: [Mapbender-users]
>> Problems with EPSG> From: astrid.emde at wheregroup.com> To:
>> mapbender_users at lists.osgeo.org> > Hello Sandra,> > the problem is that
>> GeoServer does not serve the BoundingBox-Tag in the> XML. GeoServer only
>> offers the LatLonBoundingBox in 4326.> > Here is an examle with UMN
>> MapServer:> -----------> <Layer queryable="0" opaque="0" noSubsets="0">>
>> <Name>myRootLayer</Name>> <Title>myRootLayer</Title>>
>> <SRS>epsg:31466</SRS>> <SRS>epsg:31467</SRS>> <SRS>epsg:4326</SRS>>
>> <LatLonBoundingBox minx="6.93635" miny="50.8018" maxx="7.01256">
>> maxy="50.8501" />> <BoundingBox SRS="EPSG:31466" minx="2.566e+006"
>> miny="5.62995e+006"> maxx="2.5713e+006" maxy="5.63525e+006" />> ....>
>> ------> > Mapbender can only start with the EPSG-Code, where Mapbender
>> has a> corresponding BBOX.> > If you want to add a BoundingBox and an
>> EPSG to start your gui with this> EPSG, you have to add a new row in the
>> Mapbender table layer_epsg.> > Find out the layer_id of you root layer
>> and add a new row for the> EPSG-Code you are interested in.> > After
>> that you should have the possiblity to choose this new EPSG from the>
>> dropdown list in the WMS GUI Settings.> > Greetings from Bonn> > astrid>
>> > On Mon, June 16, 2008 6:17 pm, Len Kne wrote:> > Sandra> >> > I'm not
>> familiar with geoserver, but it sounds like geoserver is rendering> >
>> the map properly and not the issue. Couple ideas in Mapbender. First, I>
>> > would suggest turning off the change ESPG module while troubleshooting
>> -> > once it works, bring it back. Depending on which version of
>> Mapbender you> > are using, you may have may have to add a line of code
>> to changeESPG.php> > to> > include your projection. The scale bar also
>> does not work properly in> > lat/lon (4326), but should be ok once you
>> get to your projection.> >> > In the Admin module, look at "WMS GUI
>> settings". The top WMS of an> > application/gui sets the default
>> projection. I'm guessing your first WMS> > is> > set to 4326. You might
>> have to move your WMS from geoserver to the top> > position, thus
>> allowing you to select 32761 projection.> >> > Len> >> >> > _____> >> >
>> From: mapbender_users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> >
>> [mailto:mapbender_users-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] On Behalf Of Sandra
>> Mink> > Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 10:58 AM> > To:
>> mapbender_users at lists.osgeo.org> > Subject: [Mapbender-users] Problems
>> with EPSG> >> >> > Hi list,> >> > I'm using geoserver 1.6.4 and
>> mapbender with a Postgis database to put my> > maps on the web as a part
>> of a project. I'm really a newbie to all this.> > After having a lot of
>> trouble I finally made it and I got to see my> > layers,> > but ... they
>> appear to be a mirror image and distorted. I realized they> > are> >
>> projected in EPSG 4326, although I defined EPSG 32761 in geoserver,
>> where> > everything worked well. Also the scale doesn't seem to work.> >
>> When I change EPSG in the Mapbender GUI it returns an error. And I
>> don't> > know how to add other EPSG in the dropdown list in the WMS GUI
>> Settings> > Menu. I've tried to make some edits but haven't had luck!>
>> >> > I need to use EPSG: 32761: Universal Polar Stereographic because
>> I'm> > working> > on a area near Antarctica.> >> > I've seen on the
>> posts that somebody else had similar problems. I would> > appreaciate
>> every kind of help! Is there a way to solve this?> >> > Many thanks!> >>
>> > Sandra> >> >> > _____> >> > Sigue de cerca las últimas tendencias y lo
>> que más rompe MSN Vídeo> > <http://video.msn.com/video.aspx?mkt=es-es>>
>> >> > _______________________________________________> > Mapbender_users
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>> http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/mapbender_users> >> > > Mit
>> freundlichen Grüßen> > Astrid Emde> >
>> ----------------------------------> > Astrid Emde> WhereGroup GmbH &
>> Co.KG> Siemensstraße 8> D-53121 Bonn> > Fon: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 19>
>> Fax: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 11> > astrid.emde at wheregroup.com>
>> www.wheregroup.com> > ----------------------------------> >
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Astrid Emde


  Astrid Emde
  WhereGroup GmbH & Co.KG
  Siemensstraße 8
  D-53121 Bonn

  Fon: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 19
  Fax: +49(0)228 90 90 38 - 11

  astrid.emde at wheregroup.com


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