AW: [Mapbender-users] MB 2.5: Erros in modules loadwmc / overview

Christoph Baudson christoph.baudson at
Fri Nov 7 10:34:35 EST 2008

Thanks for your detailled suggestions. I will look into the load WMC 
issue concerning character encoding.

FYI: The WMC component of Mapbender has already been overhauled for the 
upcoming Mapbender 2.6. Most likely, little to no bug fixing will be 
done in this field in the 2.5 series. Please feel free to download 
Mapbender directly from the SVN repository at

in order to test the latest development. Remember to additionally 
execute the update_2.6.sql file.

Mapbender 2.6 will not include as many new features and grave changes as 
2.5 did, so it will not be delayed this time. RC1 is scheduled for early 
January 2009, a stable release for FOSSGIS 2009.

Have a nice weekend

Christoph Baudson

Burghardt.Scholle at schrieb:
> Hello list,
> I can confirm the errors, Mr. Schönhammer describe very clearly. Particularly the points 2 and 3 are very important for us too. Many of our users save their "projects" in a WMC-Document and would like to have german umlauts after reloading. We use our city map as overview too - it's very practical for orientation. Until mapbender version 2.2.3 the overview always was generated - no matter whether its WMS was switched on or off. I know that the associated procedur was redesigned, but the actual behavior is "suboptimal". I would appreciate a better solution too.
> Greetings
> Burghardt Scholle
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von: mapbender_users-bounces at
> [mailto:mapbender_users-bounces at]Im Auftrag von
> Schönhammer, Herbert
> Gesendet: Donnerstag, 6. November 2008 17:32
> An: mapbender_users at
> Betreff: [Mapbender-users] MB 2.5: Erros in modules loadwmc / overview 
> Hi list,
> now I'm doing the second sight for loadwmc. I think, i have found some erros and I have some questions too:
> 1. Error: Positioning of Overview
> =================================
> Like in earlier versions of MB 2.5, the overview-picture is positioned wrong in the overview after loading a wmc. The picture in the overview is smaller than the picture in the original gui.
> 2. Error: German Umlauts in WMS- and Layer-Title
> ================================================
> Yes I know, we should avoid them, but we all must "sell" our work to our chiefs too ;-)
> Using german umlauts in a mapserver mapfile and loading this wms in mapbpender, the umlauts are displayed correctly. Saving a wmc, (I think) the umlauts are stored correct too.
> But after loading the wmc, the umlauts are not displayed correct.
> 3. Problem/Error: Which content in Overview ?
> ==========================================================
> In a "normal" gui, the overview picture is generated by a wms. The number of the used wms ist stored in attribute SRC of module overview: ../php/mod_mapOV.php?wms=3&....
> Therefore the wms must be loaded into the gui AND the wms must be VISIBLE (if the wms is "hidden", no overview picture is displayed in mapbender; this is a different behavior by comparison to earlier MapBender-versions !).
> Let's assume, we use wms "Stadtplan" (WMS id = 3) as wms for generating the overview picture.
> Let's assume, the user don't want to see the wms "Stadtplan" (the user switches off the checkbox for this wms; this is possible, because the wms must be visible !). The user chooses other wms.
> Now the user saves a wmc and loads this wmc.
> After loading the wmc no overview picture is generated. The needed wms is not checked !
> 3. Suggestions for solution
> ===========================
> 3.1 Overview with static pixmap (my priority ONE)
> -------------------------------
> Mapbender should offer another, second possibility for generating overviews. A pixmap should be used (the limits and epsg-code may be given as a var for module overview).
> This pixmap will always be used, independent from user's choice of wms.
> Another benefit is, that the server has no not to compute wms requests for overviews.
> 3.2 The "old" MapBender behavior ist restored (my priority TWO)
> ----------------------------------------------
> If a "hidden" wms could be used (again) for generating overviews, a "hidden" wms with id=0 could ALWAYS be loaded into a gui. So always the same overview is used in a gui, independent of the selected wms.
> 3.3 Mapbender Extensions in WMC-XML-file (my priority THREE)
> ========================================
> MabBender will also save the WMS for generating the overview picture as a mapbender extension in the wmc file.
> Is there a possibility to implement solutions 3.1 and/or 3.2 at once ? Or in the next MB version 2.5.1 ?
> Or has anybody a tipp for me, how to restore the old mapbender behavior ?
> greetings
> Schoenhammer Herbert
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Die Geo-IT Konferenz der WhereGroup
vom 9.-10. Dezember 2008 in Bonn

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Siemensstraße 8
53121 Bonn

Christoph Baudson

Fon: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 15
Fax: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 11
christoph.baudson at
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WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
vertreten durch:
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