[Mapbender-users] WFS gazetteer problem

Balázs Bámer bamerbalazs at gmail.com
Thu Feb 12 10:56:35 EST 2009

Hi All,

I have Mapbender 5.2 on Ubuntu 8.10, WMS is Mapserver 5.2.1 which
seems all right). My GUI is available here:
user: mapbenderlist, pass: =]-[0p

I managed to set up WFS gazetteer, but it works in a strange way.
First, I set its width to 800 pixels. You can try it:
In the bottom left corner, select Csakolv
In the merar field enter 1000
After hitting the button below, 2 hits returned, but the lines are
broken, altough 800 pixels should be enough. Moreover, result column
labels are missing. I tried to define them like this:
For the 2 big style fields which are cut off the png, I entered
nothing, thinking that plain default styles are adequate for now.

What is missing?

my modules are:
back body
center1 closePolygon copyright
dependentDiv digitize dragMapSize
featureInfo1 forward
gazetteerWFS geometry getArea
legend logo logout
mapframe1 measure metadata
pan1 printPDF
repaint rubber
sandclock scalebar scaleSelect scaleText selArea1 setPOI2Scale
setSpatialRequest showCoords_div showLoggedUser
wfs wfs_conf wfsresult
zoomCoords zoomFull zoomIn1 zoomOut1

thank you in advance.
Best regards: Balázs Bámer

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