[Mapbender-users] WFS Search Result Problem

Andreas Voit a_voit at gmx.at
Fri Feb 26 07:32:07 EST 2010


thanks for your fast answer, i was very astonished ;)

to my problem.

- i changed the geoserver wfs settings to normal.
- i changed to wfs 1.0
- in the mapbender db was MultiSurfacePropertyType and I changed it to

but the error still occurs. the epsq should be the same.

and I also get in the error logfile "WFS gazetteer: geometry type unknown".


Am 26.02.2010 11:12, schrieb Michael Schulz:
> Hi,
> welcome to Mapbender!
> WFS configuration is still a bit complicated, although Mapbender
> really does a good job with that. Some things to check:
> - have you uploaded your WFS as version 1.0 or 1.1? With Mapbender 2.6
> I'd stick to version 1.0
> - in Geoserver set your WFS-GML-SRS style to "normal" (under Services
> - WFS, scroll down to the bottom)
> - check the returned geometryType of your featuretype. I think
> Mapbender will only handle the "frequently" used ones, like POLYGON,
> MULTIPOLYGON, LINESTRING, etc... I am not sure why (I think it has to
> do with what kind of datastore you use), but Geoserver sometimes
> exposes your featureType as MultiSurfacePropertyType or the like...
> (if that has happened, you may need to change the geometryType by hand
> in the mapbender DB)
> - make sure you connect the wms layer to the right wfs conf (but i
> think if you already get results, that's already done)
> - epsg-srs must match between WMS-GUI-setting and WFS featuretype
> - your coordinate example seems to me as if you bitten by the
> coordinate axis order confusion with wfs 1.1: see the first point.
> These are some points to check. Mapbender 2.6 should work well with
> Geoserver 2.0.1, at least I have it working with epsg:31467.
> Have fun, Michael
> 2010/2/26 Andreas Voit <a_voit at gmx.at>:
>> hello,
>> I'm new to mapbender. I use mapbender 2.6, postgresql 8.4, geoserver
>> 2.01, xampp 1.7.3, windows xp sp3, firefox 3.6 .
>> To my problem:
>> I use geoserver as my datacenter. I use the wms to show my maps. I
>> started to use wfs for searching. Therefor I use the gazetteerwfs
>> module. Over the WFS come multipolygons from my postgresql db.
>> My Problem occurs when I use the searching. I use a dropdown menu to
>> select a value. the selection finds the correct feature and when I click
>> at the result it starts zooming. But it ends up with a white map. When I
>> mouse over the result, the polygon gets highlighted.
>> I found out, that the zoomed feature has incorrect coordinates.
>> I mean the correct coordinates are for example 734078.4, 214992.6 and
>> the zoomed feature has 214992.6, 734078.4.
>> I use EPSG 31259.
>> To find a solution I used firebug. I found the function setResult(event,
>> index) under http/javascript/mod_wfs_gazetteer_client.php and chanced
>> the extend calculation to
>> parent.mb_calculateExtent(targetArray[0], bbox[0].y, bbox[0].x,
>> bbox[1].y, bbox[1].x); .
>> After that the wfs search result zoomed to the correct extend, but the
>> highlighting doesn't show up. In my opinon the highlight feature
>> coordinates are still uncorrect.
>> I also should mention, I looked into the mapbender logfiles and found
>> out, that when I press the wfs search button, it writes an error into
>> the logfile: [TIMESTAMP] ERROR: WFS gazetteer: geometry type unknown.
>> could that be the problem for the incorrect coordinates? I also don't
>> understand the unknown geometry type error.
>> does anybody know how to fix the coordinate problem?
>> thanks
>> --
>> ---
>> Andreas Voit
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Andreas Voit
Windows kam, sah und versagte

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