[Mapbender-users] There are no guis available for this user: root

María Mares mmaress82 at gmail.com
Tue May 10 08:24:06 EDT 2011

I am new to this list and also new with Mapbender.
I installed Mapbenderwith the package: MS4W, I have done all the 
installation according to the documentation page (1).
When I finish, go to the Mapbender Setup-Checker (2) all the parameters 
I get OK.
But trying log with the user and password: root/roottells me that "There 
Are guis not available for this user. "
I have done the installation several times but not in what can go wrong, 
the database created by the install-2.5.2.bat does appear full of tables 
and other ...
Some ideas please?!
Thanksand sorry by my english of google... i'm spanish.

PHP Configurationcheck
php Version 	X 	Version: 5.3.6
interface 	X 	Modul-PHP
path to php.ini 	X 	C:\ms4w\Apache\cgi-bin\php.ini
extension_dir 	X 	/ms4w/Apache/php/ext/(check the path, is it correct?)
session.save_path 	X 	/ms4w/tmp (check out the authorisation of the dir)
memory Limit 	X 	128M(running in memory-trouble with printing? Perhaps 
raise your memory limit)
	(Your error_reporting configuration is not implementet into this test 
yet. You shoul know what you are doing or set it to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE)
session.save_handler 	X 	session.save_handler = files
file_Uploads 	X 	On
allow_url_fopen 	X 	On
short_open_tag 	X 	Off
JSON support 	X 	Native PHP
PHP Extensioncheck
MySQL check 	X 	MySQL installed
PostgreSQL check 	X 	PostgreSQL installed
GD2 check 	X 	GD installed
mbstring check 	X 	mbstring installed
gettext check 	X 	gettext installed

Database check
Administration Database 	X 	PostgreSQL
Connect to Database 	X 	connected
MD5 support 	X 	md5 supported
PostGIS check
PostGIS support 	X 	PostGIS function available
Version 	X 	POSTGIS="1.5.2" GEOS="3.2.2-CAPI-1.6.2" PROJ="Rel. 4.6.1, 21 
August 2008" LIBXML="2.7.6" USE_STATS

Mapbender Configuration Check
Administration Database 	X 	pgsql
DB-Server 	X 	localhost(is this your DB-Server)
Mapbender-DB 	X 	mapbenderdb2(is this your Mapbender-DB)
DB-Owner 	X 	mapbender(is this your DB-Owner)
PREPAREDSTATEMENTS 	X 	set to 'true' and php 5.3.6 should work
TMPDIR 	X 	../tmp
OWSPROXY 	X 	http:///owsproxy(Is this the right URL to your OWSPROXY?)
AUTO_UPDATE 	X 	set to 0: (see the result of the test and update WMS 
ERROR LOGGING 	X 	Successful.
LOG_LEVEL 	X 	set to 'error': -Mapbender-errors will be logged 	
PORTAL 	X 	true(Users can create theirs own accounts)
Login-Path 	http://localhost/mapbender/frames/login.php
(If this link doesn't work, check your url to 'Login' in your mapbender.conf
Perhaps an alias in your httpd.conf will solve the problem, too)

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