[Mapbender-users] There are no guis available for this user: root

María Mares mmaress82 at gmail.com
Tue May 10 10:54:00 EDT 2011

I am new to this list and also new with Mapbender.
I installed Mapbenderwith the package: MS4W, I have done all the 
installation according to the documentation page (1).
When I finish, go to the Mapbender Setup-Checker all the parameters I 
get OK.
But trying log with the user and password: root/roottells me that "There 
Are guis not available for this user. "
I have done the installation several times but not in what can go wrong, 
the database created by the install-2.5.2.bat does appear full of tables 
and other ...
Some ideas please?!
Thanksand sorry by my english of google... i'm spanish.


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