[Mapbender-users] php issues trying to install mapbender3 on Debian/testing with php7

Moritz Lennert mlennert at club.worldonline.be
Wed Oct 12 06:51:23 PDT 2016

Some more info:

Using Chromium (instead of Firefox), I get the entire php code displayed 
in the browser, be it for

- http://localhost/mapbender3 (i.e. web/app.php) or
- http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php (i.e. web/config.php)

And here are all the php related packages that are installed on my machine:

dpkg -l "*php*" | grep ii | awk '{print $1, $2, $3}'
ii libapache2-mod-php 1:7.0+45
ii libapache2-mod-php7.0 7.0.11-1
ii php 1:7.0+45
ii php-apcu 5.1.5+4.0.11-1
ii php-apcu-bc 1.0.3-2
ii php-bz2 1:7.0+45
ii php-cli 1:7.0+45
ii php-common 1:44
ii php-curl 1:7.0+45
ii php-gd 1:7.0+45
ii php-intl 1:7.0+45
ii php-mbstring 1:7.0+45
ii php-mdb2 2.5.0b5-2
ii php-mdb2-driver-pgsql 1.5.0b4-2
ii php-pear 1:1.10.1+submodules+notgz-8
ii php-pgsql 1:7.0+45
ii php-sqlite3 1:7.0+45
ii php-xml 1:7.0+45
ii php-zip 1:7.0+45
ii php7.0 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-bz2 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-cli 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-common 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-curl 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-gd 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-intl 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-json 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-mbstring 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-opcache 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-pgsql 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-readline 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-sqlite3 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-xml 7.0.11-1
ii php7.0-zip 7.0.11-1


On 12/10/16 15:39, Moritz Lennert wrote:
> Hi Frederik,
> Thank you for the quick response !
> On 11/10/16 17:58, Frederik Haefker (WhereGroup) wrote:
>> Hi Moritz,
>> did you rename your "parameter.yml.dist" in following folder
>> "app/config/" by removing the ".dist"?
> I've just tried this, but no changes.
> This step is only described in [1] which is announced as "Installation
> in the Symfony built-in webserver". I didn't think I had to go through
> there.
> Looking at this I tried to run and reach the Symfony server with:
> sudo app/console server:run
> which gives me
> "Server running on http://localhost:8000"
> But when I point my browser to that address, I get:
> "Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at localhost:8000."
> I've tried stopping the apache2 service in order to avoid any possible
> conflicts, but to no avail.
> I've also gone a bit further in the Ubuntu/Debian installation guide [2]
> and changed the ownership of all files to www-data with:
> sudo chmod -R ugo+r /var/www/mapbender3
> sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mapbender3
> sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/mapbender3/web/uploads
> No changes either. I still get the same unreadable web page...
> Moritz
> [1] http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/book/installation/installation_symfony.html
> [2] http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/book/installation/installation_ubuntu.html
>> Best Regards
>> Frederik
>> Am 11.10.2016 um 17:34 schrieb Moritz Lennert:
>>> Hello there,
>>> I'm new to Mapbender and am having quite some issues just trying to
>>> install it. Any help would be appreciated.
>>> Below a summary of my situation and of what I've done.
>>> Thanks !
>>> Moritz
>>> ***************************************************
>>> OS: Debian testing
>>> Apache Version: 2.4.23
>>> PHP Debian version: 1:7.0+45
>>> I "apt-get removed" any remaining installed php5 packages (php5 is no
>>> longer supported in Debian testing)
>>> sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php php php-pgsql php-gd
>>> php-curl php-cli php-xml php-sqlite3 sqlite3 php-apcu php-intl openssl
>>> php-zip php-mbstring php-bz2
>>> sudo a2enmod rewrite
>>> cd /var/www
>>> sudo tar xvzf ~/SRC/mapbender3-
>>> sudo mv mapbender3- mapbender3
>>> sudo vi mapbender3.conf
>>> ***
>>> Alias /mapbender3 /var/www/mapbender3/web/
>>> <Directory /var/www/mapbender3/web/>
>>>  Options MultiViews FollowSymLinks
>>>  DirectoryIndex app.php
>>>  Require all granted
>>>  RewriteEngine On
>>>  RewriteBase /mapbender3/
>>>  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
>>>  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ app.php [QSA,L]
>>> </Directory>
>>> ***
>>> sudo a2ensite mapbender3.conf
>>> sudo service apache2 reload
>>> When I now point my browser to
>>> http://localhost/mapbender3/
>>> I get a page with this:
>>> register(true); */ require_once __DIR__.'/../app/AppKernel.php';
>>> //require_once __DIR__.'/../app/AppCache.php'; $kernel = new
>>> AppKernel('prod', false); $kernel->loadClassCache(); //$kernel = new
>>> AppCache($kernel); $request = Request::createFromGlobals(); $response
>>> = $kernel->handle($request); $response->send();
>>> $kernel->terminate($request, $response);
>>> When I point it to
>>> http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php
>>> I get to the config page, but with apparently a series of PHP issues
>>> (see attached screenshot)
>>> After having seen an error about date.timezone on
>>> http://doc.mapbender3.org/en/book/installation/installation_ubuntu.html:
>>> sudo vi /etc/php/7.0/cli/php.ini
>>> sudo vi /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini
>>> ***
>>> date.timezone = Europe/Brussels
>>> ***
>>> sudo service apache2 restart
>>> http://localhost/mapbender3/config.php
>>> => same result
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>>> Mapbender_users mailing list
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>> --
>> Ps.: bitte beachten Sie die Möglichkeit den Schriftverkehr mit meinem public-PGP-key zu schützen:
>> http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=frederik+haefker
>> *****************************************************
>> INTERGEO 2016
>> 11.- 13. Oktober 2016 in Hamburg
>> Treffen Sie die WhereGroup in Halle A4, Stand B4.028
>> www.intergeo.de
>> *****************************************************
>> Frederik Haefker
>> WhereGroup GmbH & Co. KG
>> Eifelstraße 7
>> 53119 Bonn
>> Germany
>> Fon: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 0
>> Fax: +49 (0)228 / 90 90 38 - 11
>> PGP Key: http://pool.sks-keyservers.net/pks/lookup?op=vindex&search=frederik+haefker
>> frederik.haefker at wheregroup.com
>> www.wheregroup.com
>> Amtsgericht Bonn, HRA 6788
>> -------------------------------
>> Komplementärin:
>> WhereGroup Verwaltungs GmbH
>> vertreten durch:
>> Olaf Knopp, Peter Stamm
>> -------------------------------
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>> Mapbender_users mailing list
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