[Mapbender-users] MapBender3.0.6.3 : Using template classic & Full screen don't work

Maelle Vercauteren mavercau at ulb.ac.be
Wed Oct 18 00:33:30 PDT 2017


I’m using MapBender (which is a great tool, thanks a lot by the way!)

in Linux xenial with the last version of mapbender ( and PHP 7.0.

but I noticed

that when I create a new application with those two following templates :
Layer classic & Full screen
I can’t see the map after adding the same WMS source (with the same
parameters) that I put in the other templates.

I wonder if it is a bug  or if I misunderstand something ?

Kind Regards,

N.B : I also would suggest to add in your documentation in “Preparation of
installation of necessary components listed” that you can install with
PHP5: the package libapache2-mod-php5
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