[mapguide-internals] MGOS Live CD

Sylvain Pasche sylvain.pasche at camptocamp.com
Wed Aug 13 05:35:11 EDT 2008

Hi Zac,

I would say it depends ;-)

I see two possibilities.

1) The easy but ugly one: we build mapguid from the Unix instructions
and create a single mapguide.rpm package with all the files that have
been installed inside /usr/local/mapguideopensource/ (and init.d script
files for starting the service).

2) The more complex and clean solution:
Create rpm files for each of the mapguide dependencies (or use the
existing .rpm files for libraries already available in the
distribution). I identified the following dependencies:

FDO (3.3.1):
  Third party:
    xerces-c 2.5.0
    xalan-c 1.7.0
    cppunit 1.9.0
    sqlite 3.3.13
    boost 1.34.0
    curl 7.16.4
    openssl 0.9.8e
    gdal 1.4.3
MapGuide (2.0.1):
    apache 2.2.4
    php 5.2.5
    tomcat-connector (optional) 1.2.25
    ACE 5.4
    DWFCORE 1.0
    DWFEMAP 1.0
    GEOS 2.2.0
    PHP 5.2.5
    SWIGEx 1.0
    BDBXML 2.3.10
      Depends on:
         Berkeley DB 4.5.20:
         xquilla 1.0.1
         xerces-c 2.7.0
    CPPUNIT 1.9.14
    IMake 1.0
    GDAL 1.4.4
    PROJ 4.5.0
    ZLIB 1.2.3
    LIBPNG 1.2.8
    JPEG 6b
    FREETYPE 2.1.10
    GD 2.0.33
    AGG 2.4
    JSONcpp (version?)


Zac Spitzer wrote:
> How hard would it be to produce rpm's for MGOS ?

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