[mapguide-internals] Style help

Jason Birch jason at jasonbirch.com
Tue Dec 1 16:57:51 EST 2009

You guys rock, thanks very much for the help, and for that document.

Hope I can find some time to pull all of this stuff that I'm learning into
documentation at some point; right now I'm working from the RFCs, an
Imaginit white paper, and the schema :)

It's very cool though that it's there when needed; I couldn't get this to
work with a composite line style at all.


2009/12/1 Walt Welton-Lair

> Yes, upper case is absolute, while lower case is relative.  After changing
> the H's to lower case the gray segments display.
> You might also want to try 'OverlapWrap' for the VertexControl.  With
> 'OverlapNone' no symbol will be drawn if it overlaps a vertex - you end up
> with gaps.  You most likely want to wrap symbols around vertices.
> I have a nice document with diagrams which explains the LineUsage behavior.
>  I think it should be posted somewhere on MapGuide OSGeo - not sure of the
> best place though.  For now I'll attach it to RFC 14 -
> https://trac.osgeo.org/mapguide/attachment/wiki/MapGuideRfc14/LineUsage.doc
> .
> -----Original Message-----
> From:Traian Stanev
> Sent: Tuesday, December 01, 2009 3:08 PM
> Subject: RE: [mapguide-internals] Style help
> I don't remember this too well, but perhaps the H is absolute here:
> Geometry>M 4.0,0.0 H 4.0</Geometry>
> So you get a 0 length segment. Try lower case 'h' , or "H 8.0".

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