[mapguide-internals] Installer: Easier, yes... but how did you manage it without...

Jackie Ng jumpinjackie at gmail.com
Mon Mar 16 09:03:42 EDT 2009

I think you may be using an older version of Paraffin. The latest one is for
Wix 3.0

- Jackie

Crispin_at_1Spatial wrote:
> Jackie / All,
> Top Job!
> I followed your build instructions (and Jason's comments) and found:
>  * If you run from \trunk - ie run "\MgDev\Build.bat ..." then the FDO
> path is not found and the batch exits.
> As with most build commands I had to CD to the folder and run from there.
>  * Running "Build.bat" directly from a regular cmd prompt the msbuild was
> not on my default path unless you start the Start/All Progs/VS2008/Tools
> cmd prompt (obvious once you know but...)
> I think the FDO build sets this as an EnvVar so you can run from any cmd
> prompt
> I still had some core errors in build - perhaps you have EnvVars set that
> are not in the documentation?
> Seemed to generate bin/lib folders OK so progressed on.
>  * After the file copy first time in Stage 1 build I saw some PERL error
> stuff which wasn't in your list of pre-requisites
> On a subsequent build this didn't occur.  Haven't investigated any
> further.
>  * Stage 3: is not clear in your summary at the bottom of the blog article
> - you need to CD to the maestro\maestro folder to run the appropriate
> environ file
>  * Stage 4: Similarly to above I had to CD to the maestro folder to run
> build.bat
>  * Stage 5: At the prepare stage I had no
> "Installer\..\MgDev\Release\Server\" folder so something went wrong -
> possibly in the errors I got at build - ie below the signature or
> Manually creating this folder (empty) allowed me to proceed.
>  * Stage 6: Run "build.bat" from the Installer folder.
> Could be clearer from the paraffin downloads you just need to copy
> paraffin.exe into the \Trunk\intsaller folder (but see below).
>  * Stage 7: I got so far... and then!
>     i) Had to rename the namespace in incMaestroBinFiles.wxs,
> incCSMapDictionaryFiles.wxs, incFdoFiles.wxs 
> error CNDL0199: The Wix element has an incorrect namespace of
> 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wi'.  Please make the Wix
> element look like the following: <Wix
> xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi">. 
>    ii) Lots of errors to do with the WXS files generated by Paraffin:
> There seems to be a mismatch between Parafin 1.0.4 and Wix 3.0?
> 	warning CNDL1069: The Directory/@LongName attribute has been deprecated
> Determined not to be defeated I edited a couple of lines in the paraffin
> source to rebuild paraffin.exe
> Re-ran Stage 6 and 7 and I HAVE AN INSTALLER - will try it next week -
> have a good weekend :-)
> (only took 3 hours from first SVN refresh)
>  Crispin
> Paraffin/Main.cs: Line 90 becomes:
> "http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi";
> Paraffin/Main.cs: Line 1082 becomes:
>                                         new XAttribute("Name",
> info.Name));
>             //if ( info.Name != shortName )
>             //{
>              //   directoryNode.Add ( new XAttribute ( "LongName" ,
> info.Name ) );
>             //}
> Paraffin/Main.sc: Line 1123 becomes:
>                                    new XAttribute ( "Name" , longName ) );
>             //if ( shortName != longName )
>             //{
>               //  file.Add ( new XAttribute ( "LongName" , longName ) );
>             //}
> Stage 1 First Build:
> LINK : warning LNK4199: /DELAYLOAD:FdoGeometry.dll ignored; no imports
> found from FdoGeometry.dll
> Stage 1 Subsequent builds:
> E:\Projects\MapGuide\trunk\MgDev>build.bat -a=build -w=all
> ===================================================
> Configuration is [Release]
> Action is [build] on [all]
> Deployment Directory for Server:
> E:\Projects\MapGuide\trunk\MgDev\Release\Server
> Deployment Directory for Web:
> E:\Projects\MapGuide\trunk\MgDev\Release\WebServer
> Extensions
> CPU cores: 2
> ===================================================
> [build]: Building Oem
> cl : Command line warning D9007: '/Gm' requires '/Zi or /ZI'; option
> ignored
> cl : Command line warning D9007: '/Gm' requires '/Zi or /ZI'; option
> ignored
> cl : Command line warning D9007: '/Gm' requires '/Zi or /ZI'; option
> ignored
> [build]: Building Oem - CSMap
> [build]: Building Server
> Project : warning PRJ0018: The following environment variables were not
> found:
> Project : warning PRJ0018: The following environment variables were not
> found:
> [build]: Building Web Tier
> Project : warning PRJ0018: The following environment variables were not
> found:
> Project : error PRJ0019: A tool returned an error code from "Performing
> Pre-Bui
> ld Event..."
> [ERROR]: There was an error building the component

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