[mapguide-users] Legend layers

Alain Lebatard alain.lebatard at autodesk.com
Thu Jun 1 12:31:00 EDT 2006

Hi Willem,


The AJAX viewer's legend shows only the first and last theme when a
layer has more than 10 theme categories for performance reasons. Because
the viewer has to make one HTTP request for each theme category icon,
displaying the content of a layer can take a long time if it has dozens
of theme categories.


You can still view the whole set of icons by right-clicking on the layer
node and select "Show Long Theme'.





From: Willem Schwarte [mailto:willem at giskit.nl] 
Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 4:14 AM
To: users at mapguide.osgeo.org
Subject: [mapguide-users] Legend layers


When a layer is themed, the legend shows only the first and the last
theme item. Is it possible to show all themes from that layer?




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