[mapguide-users] Guestion about speedup mapguide, diferent domainname to mapagent.fcgi.

Jason Birch Jason.Birch at nanaimo.ca
Wed Feb 28 20:57:03 EST 2007

Paul wrote:
> m1.google.com
> m2.google.com
> m3.google.com
> and that each of these resolves to the same IP. 
And that IP address is probably a load balancer...  I'm pretty sure that this single IP thing is not part of the performance measures.
Traian wrote:
> But then I decided that this can be worked around
> by using a file system mount from the web server
> to the server where the tiles are. I've seen a similar
> thing done on Linux/Apache, not sure if Windows
> could handle such a setup.
I've done this with IIS (CIFS share) and, while I can confirm that it works, it's a pain to set up and the performance is very poor compared to local filesystem access.
While this might be a good solution for some situations (like, where the tile servers are behind a firewall?), I think that it would be best to also have the option of being able to set up a local webserver on the tile servers to serve the tiles directly to the clients rather than having to do everything through the web tier server.
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