[mapguide-users] Managed vs. Unmanaged feature sources

Travis Brannon tbrannon at geotechsystems.com
Tue Oct 2 08:54:31 EDT 2007

Hi all,


Quick question about data sources:


What is the difference between managed feature sources and unmanaged feature
sources?  I have read that managed features sources are stored in the site
repository and that unmanaged feature sources are stored outside the
repository somewhere on the servers file system.  However, I am still
unclear as to the nature of the services applied to feature sources said to
be "managed."  How exactly is data managed by the resource service?  Is
there a succinct list of "management services" provided by the resource
service?  And why would I want to use managed feature sources as opposed to
unmanaged?   Thanks in advance.





Travis Brannon


Geotech Systems Ltd.

Suite 1, Sky Building B,

177 Marina Street,

Pieta MSD 08

Malta, Europe


Tel: +356 21 250 978

Fax: +356 21 250 884


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