[mapguide-users] Problems with Studio 2009 API

Tanja Suikkanen tanja.suikkanen at dimenteq.fi
Mon Jun 9 09:36:34 EDT 2008


I need to use the Autodesk Mapguide Studio APi but I'm unable to get it work
in Visual Studio 2008. Studio and all other functionalities are working

I've added the references in my project (Autodesk.Mapguide.Studio.Load,
.Studio.Site and .Studio.Dwg.Load) and the installation path of Studio in to
path variable but still I get the following error: The specified module
could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E). I think this is an
aspnet error but I'm still asking you. Maybe someone has had the some



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