[mapguide-users] WMS Layer Problem with Image Web Server

Rahul unicorn_admirer at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 11 04:55:00 EDT 2008

          I have one Image Web Server(ER Mapper 8.5)  and  have some ecw files which are publishable using the WMS Service. I tried to overlay some Imagery Data as WMS layer in the Mapguide in order to integrate the Image Web Server with MapGuide Server.

I able to connect http://x.x.x.x/ecwp/ecw_wms.dll  and mapguide shows successfull connection,once i able to connect i able to get various feature layer but once i tried to preview the layers i unable to get any preview although i tried to test with only EPSG:4326 .

I got the same problem whe i tried to connect with http://www.earthetc.com/ecwp/ecw_wms.dll  ,i can able to connect but unable to view any layers,Can anybody tell me how to proceed into this Case.


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